Xiaomi SU7 mass production set to start in February

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.arenaev.com/xiaomi_su7_mass_production_set_to_start_in_february-news-3088.php
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Xiaomi SU7 mass production set to start in February

Vlad, 31 January 2024

Xiaomi Rumors

Xiaomi's SU7 is set to begin the mass production phase in mid to late February, according to local media reports in China. We assume that means right after the Chinese New Year break ends, which would be on February 19. There's no point in starting the production process before the Chinese New Year, since the huge festival will cause an interruption to it anyway.

As is always the case with such things, it will initially start slow - only 2,000 are expected to be made in March.

Xiaomi SU7 mass production set to start in February

The production capacity will then gradually ramp up until July, when 10,000 cars are to be made - and Xiaomi will look to maintain those 10,000 from that point on.

Xiaomi SU7 mass production set to start in February

After the mass production begins, the first deliveries can occur, although so far we have no information on when that might be. We can expect the company to fill us in shortly, though.

Last we heard the top-trim SU7 Max is to be priced at CNY 361,400 (approximately €47,480 at the current exchange rate). We should know if that's correct in a few weeks.

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