New Mac mini. Is it safe to leave your Mac mini on all the time ? | MacRumors F...

 10 months ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/new-mac-mini-is-it-safe-to-leave-your-mac-mini-on-all-the-time.2398883/
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New Mac mini. Is it safe to leave your Mac mini on all the time ?


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Aug 17, 2023
Mac mini, is it ok to leave your Mac mini on all the time?


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2017 1,408
Yes, it's fine. It'll eventually reboot for updates if allowed to. But there's nothing forcing you to turn it off. Putting it to sleep works well as an alternative to fully powering it down when not in use, much like an iPhone or iPad.
Reactions: Basic75


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Aug 17, 2023
Yes, it's fine. It'll eventually reboot for updates if allowed to. But there's nothing forcing you to turn it off. Putting it to sleep works well as an alternative to fully powering it down when not in use, much like an iPhone or iPad.
Thanks for the fast reply


macrumors 6502
Feb 10, 2007
Yes, it's OK.

I've kept my Mac Studio on 24/7/365 since I got it over a year ago and have experienced no untoward effects from doing so. It wakes every morning at 3 AM to do a CCC backup then goes back to sleep. Instantaneous on whenever I need to use it during the day. No spinning platter to spin up (slowing down startup) or wear out bearings. Sweet.
I've been restarting mine every two weeks or so for the last 11 years...


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2008 1,720 Boon Docks USA
It’s fine to leave it on. I reboot mine once a month. I don’t let apple install updates automatically. Just let me know when available.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2009 Montreal, Qc
Depending on where you live, having a good surge protector might be a good idea!
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