Arrows for HubSpot

 10 months ago
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"Tell us how you onboard your customers!"

The makers of Arrows for HubSpot
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I'm excited to hunt Arrows for HubSpot – they make collaborative customer-facing action plans that connect to onboarding pipelines in HubSpot.

Recently I tweeted "HubSpot has slowly but surely built a CRM platform that competes not only with Salesforce but also Saleforce’s entire eco-system."

It's encouraging to see companies like Arrows aligning GTM teams around making customers successful in the tool they already use. In this case, HubSpot, a platform that has stood up against the test of time.

👋 Hey Product Hunters, Daniel here, co-founder and CEO of Arrows.

My co-founder Benedict and I started working on Arrows in 2020. Last year, in 2022, we made a massive decision to delete 1/3 of our product (the internal dashboard) and replaced it with a HubSpot app.

Why do that? It became clear to us that building CRM-first was the right move for the product. Customers want their data in one place, and for B2B companies that’s the CRM. HubSpot is growing fast, especially amongst startups, so we knew we had to start there.

Back in the spring, HubSpot Ventures invested in Arrows. We’ve spent the past 6 months totally rebuilding our HubSpot integration from the ground-up based on everything we learned from our first year on the platform.

It’s truly best-in-class.

⛔️ The Problem Your customers are struggling to go-live with your product, and your customer success team is struggling to keep up + getting burnt out. On top of that, you want to double+ how many customer you have, but you can’t afford to double your team’s headcount.

Why is the onboarding process breaking? Because today your team is sending long email threads, traditional project management tools, spreadsheets, and documents. All of these are not built for external customers, are immediately out-of-date, and *don’t sync data back to HubSpot*.

Instead, just send Arrows.

💬  “There was one customer where there were ~24 emails between signing the contract and just scheduling the kickoff meeting… Who should be there? What is the agenda? All those different things. And now, with the new customer, I just send them this link. They book it. They do this thing. They immediately see what is going to happen during the kickoff meeting. Zero emails. I love it.”

✅ The Solution

📈 Arrows connects to HubSpot pipelines to move customers through the onboarding and implementation process faster while enabling deeper adoption of workflows and dashboards with real-time data.

🔌 What do I get inside HubSpot?

HubSpot is the connected platform where your team manages their internal process and data about customers. Arrows gives your GTM teams visibility and alignment to make customers successful across all stages of the journey.

🆕 New Arrows features for HubSpot: 🚨 Add customer-facing plans to HubSpot Deals, Tickets, or Custom Objects 🔌 Sync 35+ datapoints in real-time from Arrows to HubSpot properties 📇 Use dynamic text from any HubSpot property in your customer-facing plans 💌 Capture information from customers with forms that sync to HubSpot properties ✅ Automatically complete Arrows tasks using HubSpot data 🔀 Dynamically hide/show tasks based on HubSpot properties ⏳ Track onboarding engagement in the HubSpot activity timeline 🤖 Enable automation using Arrows workflow actions 📊 Use onboarding data in your HubSpot reports and dashboards 🏷️ Show real-time onboarding data on your HubSpot pipelines 😺 Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Congrats on the launch!

Certainly had to be a risky move (or at least felt like it at the time) to remove 1/3 of your product to go all-in with HubSpot. I'd love to learn more about how you weighed the pros and cons of this decision in the early days.

@ryangilbert thanks Ryan!!

We started the conversation with our team by asking: “with everything we know today, how would we want this product to work?” And we walked through the entire use-case from start to end.

What came out was a very CRM-centric version of Arrows. It was scary at first but became obvious we had to do it after a couple of days.

The HubSpot focus was because we think it’s the ascendant CRM platform of the next decade. We want to be a leader there, without question.

Been using Arrows since day #1 at @sparkloophq to power GTM for our sales and customer success teams. The HubSpot integration is amazing, and it has made a huge difference to shortening our sales and onboarding cycles for high-volume customers.

Huge fan!

@sparkloophq @louisnicholls_ appreciate you since day 1!! Remember when you signed up. Before we ever launched on product hunt the first time.

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