James Bond’s job safe as GCHQ scientist says AI can only do ‘extremely junior’ s...

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/08/06/james-bonds-job-safe-as-gchq-scientist-ai-spying/
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James Bond’s job safe as GCHQ scientist says AI can only do ‘extremely junior’ spying

Spy agency finds chatbots such ChatGPT not good enough to be intelligence analysts

By Gareth Corfield

6 August 2023 • 4:26pm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is forecast to make millions of professional jobs obsolete over the coming years as an array of analytical and creative tasks are automated. 

Yet it seems James Bond and his colleagues, at least, have little to fear so far from the rise of the machines.

According to a paper jointly written by the chief data scientist at GCHQ, Britain’s Cheltenham-based eavesdropping agency, chatbots such as ChatGPT are only good enough to replace “extremely junior” intelligence analysts.

The GCHQ official, identified only as Adam C, and Richard Carter, a computer scientist at The Alan Turing Institute, said the software technology on which chatbots are based – known as a large language model – is not ready to be widely deployed in the secret world of intelligence gathering.

Daniel Craig playing James Bond

The findings suggest James Bond and his colleagues have little to fear from the rise of the machines

Credit: Nicola Dove/PA

“There might be a role for large language models in the early stage of report drafting, akin to treating the large language model as an extremely junior analyst,” they said.

Large language models work by consuming and analysing vast quantities of data such as text from the web and using it to write a response to a question by working out what word should probably come next. However, they have no understanding of the meaning of what they write. As a result, they often produce wrong answers and appear to concoct false “facts”.

Adam C and Mr Carter said in their paper, titled Large Language Models and Intelligence Analysis: “The best current use of large language models is as a ‘productivity assistant’; auto-completing sentences, proofreading emails, and automating certain repetitive tasks.”

“The most promising use cases are still on the horizon, and future efforts should focus on developing models that understand the context of the information they are processing – rather than just predicting what the next word is likely to be.”

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard are described as being like “a team member whose work, given proper supervision, has value, but whose products would not be released … without substantial revision and validation.”

Fears of AI replacing humans in jobs have been fuelled by studies showing which sectors are most likely to adopt AI. One study from McKinsey predicted that 12m jobs could be lost in the US alone over the next seven years owing to its spread through the corporate world. 

AI tools are becoming increasingly embedded in the workplace following the public launch of ChatGPT late last year.

Google uses AI chatbot tech to process new staff, while Microsoft uses the technology to provide technical support for its employees.

While the jobs of senior intelligence officers are not yet threatened, security officials have raised concerns about the potential impact of AI on democracy via the mass production of misinformation.

Adam C and Mr Carter said: “The ability for a state actor or organised crime group to launch disinformation campaigns has been significantly improved with… large language models. But what is more concerning is that [they] have now enabled less sophisticated actors and opportunists to potentially cause significant damage, thus lowering the barrier to entry for nefarious actors.”

Senior intelligence officials have also flagged the threat posed by AI as a tool for cyber attacks and espionage. Soon after the public release of ChatGPT, GCHQ warned that chatbots were an emerging security threat.

Companies outside the tech industry have heeded such warnings. City law firm Mishcon de Reya banned its lawyers from using the ChatGPT over fears that legally privileged material might be leaked online. Investment banks including JP Morgan have imposed similar restrictions, for comparable reasons.

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