Fun Conversation with Dave Prior About Successful Independent Consulting

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.jrothman.com/mpd/2023/07/fun-conversation-with-dave-prior-about-successful-independent-consulting/
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Fun Conversation with Dave Prior About Successful Independent Consulting

Dave Prior interviewed me for his podcast, the Drunken PM. You can read and see the podcast on:

While I use Overcast for my podcast subscriptions, you might like Soundcloud or Apple.

Lots of places to see and hear.

Here are two quotes that I love:

  • “Johanna's books always seem to answer the questions I had. And in this book, you answered and asked questions I was avoiding.”
  • “Your books always seem to go to the stuff people need.”

Aha! To paraphrase the A-Team, I love it when the questions come together.


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