Writing Conversation with Brian Okken

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.jrothman.com/mpd/2023/07/writing-conversation-with-brian-okken/
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Johanna Rothman, Management Consultant Skip to content

innerwriter4-200x300.pngBrian Okken interviewed me on his Test and Code podcast here: Free Your Inner Nonfiction Writer.

We spoke about writing in many forms: books, blog posts, and how to start.

We discussed many writing topics, but I had a small rant about waiting to edit when you're cooled down. No! Write, edit, and publish when you're hot. That reduces WIP, especially for blogs and articles. You'll become a much better writer when you write and publish more often, rather than waiting for perfection.

We had a great conversation about writing. And if you read or write Python, check out Brian's blog.

Check out the conversation. I hope you enjoy it.

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