Alibaba unveils AI image generator to compete with Midjourney - PingWest

 11 months ago
source link: https://en.pingwest.com/w/11941
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Alibaba unveils AI image generator to compete with Midjourney

Alibaba unveils AI image generator to compete with Midjourney

11 hours ago

Alibaba Group Holdings unveiled an AI image generator, which is currently in its beta phase and accessible to enterprise customers.

Unveiled at the 2023 World Artificial intelligence conference held in Shanghai, the image generator called Tongyi Wanxiang, it supports functions such as generating images from text descriptions. It utilizes machine learning and natural language processing techniques to generate corresponding images or artworks based on textual descriptions.

Previously, Alibaba Cloud has released the large-scale model "Tongyi Qianwen" (Tongyi Thousand Questions). Alibaba aims to have all of its products upgraded to incorporate large-scale models in the future. This indicates a comprehensive upgrade across Alibaba's product lineup to leverage the benefits of these advanced models.

Following the success of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, several large Chinese tech companies, including Baidu Inc and SenseTime Group Inc, are taking proactive steps to launch AI products and services. Among these offerings are AI image generators. However, it's worth noting that generative AI services in China are still awaiting regulatory approval for widespread distribution.


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