Knowstory - AI search bar chrome extension for developer docs | Product Hunt

 11 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/knowstory-2
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Thanks for checking out our launch! What developer docs do you want to see us add next?"

The makers of Knowstory
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Hey Product Hunters! 👋

💡 One month ago, we launched Knowstory as an SMB support chatbot. In the process of building and launching the initial version of Knowstory, we used our engine internally to chat with our [least] favorite developer docs rather than use their provided search bar. It made the search process easier for us and we realized "oh, that's what the product should be".

🔍 We spoke with many software engineers and noticed that they too find the developer doc search experience generally tedious. We decided to turn Knowstory to an AI-powered search bar for developers. Install our Chrome extension and hit Option + K anywhere in your browser to chat with developer docs.

🤝 We're starting with support for Next.js, Vite, Django, Vercel, and Terraform. You can send us a request through the extension if we're missing the docs you're looking for.

🚀 You don't need to pay or even sign up to get started. We love hearing from our users, contact us at [email protected] whenever you have any questions, positive or negative feedback. If its easier, feel free to join our Discord or text us at +1 (724) 249-6301.

Great to see that the extension on Chrome and we'll auto-detect the documentation you're on! This is a really useful feature and a time saver!!! great job guys.
Chrome extension and the ability to chat with developer docs using Option + K are fantastic features. Congratulation!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK