Quizify Beta - Create Quizzes in Seconds with AI | Product Hunt

 11 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/quizify-beta
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Please give me feedback, ideas, suggestions. I am passionate about building something people want. If you have an idea or a use case, please let me know I will be so glad to hear it and build it. Even if it is just for 1 person, that will be enough for me.

Let's go."

The makers of Quizify Beta
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Hi Makers, I am nervous and excited at the same time because this is my first launch

Quizify is supposed to help educators save time when they want to quiz their students. It was born out of a frustration of all the existing LMS that only focus on the content rather than the process of Teaching and Learning.

I have always been frustrated in all schools I attended as a techie because when I code, there are so many cool tools that make our lives easy but in education that isn't the case. Everyone is using the same old tools for everything, at most they use Google Classroom in their classes.

I built ClassroomIO as a solution to revolutionise hybrid learning however as I talked to multiple educators and I ask them how I can make their lives easier, one thing they always mention was evaluating and grading their students.

I therefore decided to build a standalone product and try out my first launch on Product Hunt. I don't know how this will go but I have faith that I will find product market fit.

** It is also open source** Yes it is open source, I have been working in closed source for the past 6 years and I have been blessed by the amount of open source projects out there. I want to make this project also fully open so other can use it as well to build their own projects.

**Tools used** 1. SvelteKit - Framework of choice 2. Vercel's AI SDK - SDK for streaming response from open ai to sveltekit 3. Open AI - for generating the quizzes 4. Supabase - for authentication

**Features** 1. Generate questions with options out of text 2. Out put in raw text format and json in real time 3. Copy and paste anywhere which maintains format 4. Export Quiz to Google Forms

**Roadmap** After the above features are launched, there are more things I will like to experiment with

1. A chrome extension that allows educators easily generate quiz from any site 2. A quiz UI within the application that doesn't require you going to Google Forms. 3. Automated grading and giving explanations to students 4. Custom prompting - educators can tell the AI to do more things that I didn't prompt engineer.

Thank you so much for your support, I really really really appreciate it.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK