Notion PooTracker - Track bathroom habits and analyze data in Notion | Product H...

 11 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/notion-pootracker
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"🙏 Thank you for visiting PooTracker! We value your feedback to improve our product. Please share your thoughts and suggestions to help us create a better experience for you. Together, we can enhance your well-being."

The makers of Notion PooTracker
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"Hey there, Product Hunt community! 👋

Allow me to share the story behind Poo Tracker, a project that's near and dear to my heart.

A while back, I experienced some health issues related to my digestive system. As part of my doctor's recommendations, I had to diligently track every bathroom visit, note the state of my disposition, record my mood, and more. The most optimal solution that came to mind was using Notion to log all these details. And that's how the idea for Poo Tracker was born!

I wanted to create a tool dedicated to those who need to take care of their gut health or simply desire a comprehensive way to monitor their well-being. Because, as we all know, a happy stomach leads to a happy mind.

I poured my passion into developing Poo Tracker, ensuring it offers a seamless and intuitive experience to track and analyze bathroom habits. It's designed to empower users with insights, identify patterns, and make informed decisions for a healthier life.

Join me on this journey of embracing well-being and optimizing our digestive health. Together, let's unlock the power of Poo Tracker and enjoy the benefits of a happy tummy!

Remember, a happy stomach is a happy mind. 🌟"

I love it so much! This template will help so many people! So many thanks to Miranda for creating this unique and awesome template and providing so much value with it!
This is a very cool and unique Notion template idea. I could see doctor offices being able to leverage this as well for their clients!

Congratulations on the Launch Martin🎉

This is the exact template we all need!💩

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Joyk means Joy of geeK