Software Support Versus Managed Services: Which Is Best For Your Business?

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Software Support Versus Managed Services: Which Is Best For Your Business?

June 14, 2023 0 Comments

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to streamline operations and improve productivity. However, technical issues are inevitable with the increasing complexity of software and hardware. It’s where software support and managed services come in. 

Software support provides technical assistance and troubleshooting for specific applications, while managed services offer a comprehensive approach to IT management, including network monitoring, security, and data backup. Choosing between software support and managed services can be challenging, as both have advantages and disadvantages. 

This article will explore the differences between software support and managed services and help you determine which is best for your business based on your specific needs and budget.

What Is Software Support? 

A software developer provides software support that offers technical help and advice. Generally, support personnel are available around the clock. However, the response time and manner will likely have variances depending on the harshness of the problem and the specifications indicated in the support contract.   

In simple terms, software support services are on an on-demand basis, with support teams responding only to complex issues and may assist with installation or remote troubleshooting.   

Software support should be readily available. It plays an important role as support teams deliver answers to questions related to software problems, provide updates and deal with bugs in software your business faces.   

For example, janitorial management software solutions from Optisolve.net or similar solutions are crucial for businesses in certain industries. One way to maintain seamless functionality is having readily accessible software support in case issues arise.  

Benefits Of Software Support   


With software support, it allows your business to maintain a competitive edge. Regardless of your business’s size and capacity, it pays to have professional software support. Here are several advantages of software support for your business.   

  • Improves Overall Efficiency And Productivity   

Software support must be readily available depending on the software your company utilizes during daily operations. It’s to guarantee that all operations and processes flow seamlessly. It also helps minimize the likelihood of downtime, saving your business from extra costs.   

  • Better Security   

Software support is the key to ensuring the timely delivery of updates and patches. Doing so helps ensure adequate protection against cybersecurity threats that are becoming widespread. Depending on your company’s software, it may also include data encryption and secure data storage.  

  • Cut Down On Costs   

Aside from ensuring better security and streamlining business processes, it significantly cuts your company’s monthly expenditure. Readily accessible software support ensures timely management of potential issues that may arise.  

What Are Managed Services?

Unlike software support, managed services are defined as outsourced technical processes and functions that a third-party provider handles. In simple terms, it’s a way to outsource key tasks to the experts. Reputable managed IT services in Glendale can handle numerous functions such as IT support, network administration, communications, data backup, and network security.

When a business partners with a managed service provider, the main purpose is to fill gaps in the IT department’s capabilities, augment the workforce, and streamline operations, usually at an affordable price range.

Software support involves using a ticket or incident. As for managed services, it’s ongoing and proactively executed by a team of dedicated professionals, whether for communication purposes, data backup, or recovery, to name a few.

Benefits Of Managed Services

Recently, there’s been an increasing demand for managed services. The reason is mainly due to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) requiring access to the latest technology. Aside from this advantage, here are other benefits of managed services for your business.   

  • Better Focus On Core Business Objectives   

As your business grows, expect the IT needs to increase. Even if you currently have an in-house IT team on standby, a time will come when the increasing workload overwhelms them, making them unable to scale your business needs. In such instances, some companies assign other employees additional tasks, distracting them from the core business objectives.   

One of the crucial perks of investing in managed services is allowing your workforce to focus on core responsibilities they were hired to do in the first place. A reputable managed services provider will develop a flexible model catering to your company’s growing needs.  

  • Right Expertise   

It emphasizes the importance of having a team of IT professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle complex tasks. With the constant evolution of technology, it can be challenging for an in-house IT team to stay up-to-date and solve all issues effectively. Managed services provide access to a team of experts with specialized skills in various areas of IT, including cybersecurity, cloud computing, and data management. This ensures that your IT infrastructure is always in capable hands and that issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently at an affordable cost.

  • Lower The Risk Of Costly Downtime   

Managed services providers take a proactive approach, ensuring timely action even before one happens. Reputable providers utilize management and remote monitoring to pinpoint, analyze and troubleshoot potential vulnerabilities even before they become an issue.  

  • Availability Of Support   

One of the main feats of managed services is preventing downtime. You have a team of professionals available at all times. Generally, the service is always on call and capable of dealing with high-priority issues immediately. Furthermore, reputable managed service providers deliver proactive monitoring and alerts to prevent minor issues from becoming full-blown breaches that can negatively impact your business reputation.   

  • Level Up The Security 

With managed services, you’re assured that your business has a lower risk of experiencing a cyber-attack or data breach. Professionals possess the necessary skill set to determine your company’s cybersecurity risk and take on proactive measures to pinpoint threats and deal with them appropriately.  

Final Thoughts   

Running a business in this digital age is a challenging feat. If achieving your company goals is the priority, it requires time and effort while at the same time ensuring you have all the necessary solutions in place, such as managed services and software support. Combining the right elements will ensure your daily operations flow seamlessly with a good potential for growth in no time. If you’re deciding between managed services and software support, it all boils down to your company’s specific needs. Remember that both solutions have their share of perks that are beneficial to daily operations in any business.

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