Douglas Crockford calls JavaScript 'smelly.'

 1 year ago
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JavaScript Weekly Issue 642

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#​642 — June 8, 2023

Read on the Web

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JavaScript Weekly


Polywasm: A Polyfill to Run WASM in JS Environments — The creator of esbuild is back with something fresh: a polyfill that uses live translation to be able to run .wasm files in JS environments that either lack a WebAssembly implementation or have it disabled. You can see how it performs in this special version of the esbuild playground.

Evan Wallace

Announcing TypeScript 5.1 — This release of the statically typed JavaScript superset is a gentle 'quality of life' step forward rather than a featureful extravaganza, but we get support for linked editing of JSX tag names, namespaced JSX attributes, the ability to have unrelated types for getters and setters, and undefined-returning functions no longer need an explicit return.

Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)

How to Send Password Resets via SMS and Email Using Node.js & Next.js — When you’re building a web application, there’s a decision to make about how to handle users and authentication. There are many services and libraries to choose from, and the right choice will depend on the requirements of what you are building.

Courier.com sponsor

NakedJSX: Use JSX Without React — If you like JSX and would like to use it to help in the production of static HTML without using React itself, this command line tool is for you. It even extracts scoped CSS classes and deduplicates them.

David Hogan

Oh, you can also use NakedJSX to use JSX with jQuery, which you may either find useful or a fun way to troll your team, depending on how you roll. 😏

Dan Abramov Rebuilds React Server Components from Scratch — Having faced a raft of questions about Server Components, Dan has begun to write a series covering everything from the ground up by reimplementing a basic form of RSC from scratch. It’s not aimed at day-to-day React developers, but those who want to grok the ideas behind RSCs.

Dan Abramov



📒 Articles & Tutorials

Why (and How) You Should Write Your WebAssembly in TypeScript — Performance is the main argument made by the author who shows off Wasmati, a library for creating WebAssembly modules by writing TypeScript using an API that corresponds to WASM operations. It works in modern browsers, Node, and Deno.

Gregor Mitscha-Baude

Backtick Strings are Likely the Wrong Tool for Your Job — It’s too common to try to put together query strings using JavaScript’s template strings, says Mattie, and this leads to potential injection problems. Luckily, there’s an alternative way..

Mattie Behrens

Dynaboard: AI Meets Low-Code to Get More Done, Faster — Build high performance authenticated web applications in a collaborative — full-stack — development environment.

Dynaboard sponsor

Is React Having an 'Angular.js Moment'? — The author puts forward an argument comparing the discontinuity from AngularJS to Angular 2 in 2014 with current shifts in the React ecosystem.

François Zaninotto

Painless WebGPU Programming with taichi.jstaichi.js is a GPU computing framework that transforms JavaScript functions into parallelizable WebGPU compute shaders. You can see a live demo here using the Game of Life.

Dunfan Lu

A Preview of Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta — The next version of macOS will double down on the idea of well integrated, desktop-installable webapps. Here’s a dig around into how it works so far.

Thomas Steiner

Live Streaming with Multiple Hosts in a Browser with Amazon IVS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsor

The Many Ways to Select the n-th Character from a String
Christian Heilmann

Primitive Objects in JavaScript: When To Use Them
Kirill Myshkin

A Quick Primer on Node.js's New Built-in Test Runner

🛠 Code & Tools


Algolia AutoComplete: A Fast, Full-Featured Autocomplete Library — This isn’t a UI widget – you’re in full control of rendering the experience – but this will let you wire up the experience you want users to have. There’s a getting started tutorial and a CodeSandbox demo where you can play around with some live code.


Perfectionist 1.0: ESLint Plugin for Sorting Data — It supports sorting all sorts of things (props, imports, types..) and enforcing that with ESLint. It supports alphabetical and natural sorting, as well as by line length which leads to a neat aesthetic..

Azat S.

Comprehensive Full-Stack Application Monitoring Solution — A flexible application monitoring tool that doesn’t break the bank.

TelemetryHub sponsor

pgsql-ast-parser 11.1: A Simple SQL Parser — A TypeScript-based Postgres SQL syntax parser that can produce a typed AST for most queries (PL/pgSQL is not supported). It’s used as part of the author’s pg-mem project which provides a mini, ‘in memory’ Postgres clone in Node or the browser (here's a live demo of that).

Olivier Guimbal

Goxygen 0.4: Quickly Generate a Go(lang) Backend for a JS Project — A tool that sets up a new Go-based project with Angular, React, or Vue in the front-end, and Docker and Docker Compose files to spin it up. It’s been around a few years, but has now added Vue 3.3 support and a Vite-based Vue template.

Sasha Shpota

💻 Jobs

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.

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🛠 Useful Thing of the Week


bundlejs: Online npm Package Bundle Size Checker — A browser-based tool that can treeshake, bundle, minify, and compress (gzip and brotli) packages to show you what their weight impact is. It runs entirely in the browser, too, using the WebAssembly build of esbuild.

Okiki Ojo

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