Call for Speakers at the RabbitMQ Summit

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.erlang-solutions.com/blog/call-for-speakers-at-the-rabbitmq-summit/
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Call for Speakers at the RabbitMQ Summit

RabbitMQ enthusiasts now have the opportunity to submit propsals for the upcoming RabbitMQ Summit 2023. This post will tell you all you need to know on how to share the stage with the Rabbit community.

Are you a user, operator, developer, engineer, or simply someone with interesting user stories to tell about RabbitMQ? If so, we have some exciting news for you! The RabbitMQ Summit 2023 is just around the corner, and we are thrilled to invite you to submit your talks for this highly anticipated event.

The RabbitMQ Summit brings together a vibrant, diverse community of enthusiasts from all corners of the world. It’s a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and exchange ideas with fellow RabbitMQ users, experts, and developers. 

This year, we have curated two exciting themes that encompass the breadth and depth of RabbitMQ usage and its impact across industries. We invite you to consider these themes when submitting your proposals:

1. Features Theme-  in-depth tech explanation of RabbitMQ features, e.g.: How to use RabbitMQ in an economical fashion explained by developers, a roadmap of how to use streams.

2. Industry Theme-  how RabbitMQ is used in the industry, e.g.: In an IoT space, troubleshooting, etc.

Think creatively and propose talks that bring unique perspectives, cutting-edge techniques, and actionable insights to the table. Don’t hesitate tosubmit your ideas– every story counts.

Event date and location

20 Oct 2023 at theEstrel Hotel- Berlin, Germany

Submission deadlines

All talks should be submitted by 23:59 BST on 11 June 2023. You will be informed about your submission status by 31 July 2023.

You can submit your talks here.

Ticket Details

There is no event fee for speakers. For just attendees, The public Early Bird tickets will be available on 15th June 2023. You can sign up for the waiting listhere

For more information

You can visit the RabbitMQ Summitwebsite for more details and follow our Twitter account for the latest updates.

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