Future Job - AI insights, news, learning resources and tools | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/future-job
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"Thanks for taking the time to check this out. I wanted to ask you about the topics you'd like to see covered in the newsletter. My current idea is to cover topics by section, like AI on the News, AI for Developers and Makers, AI in the Workplace, etc. What do you think? Thanks!"

The makers of Future Job
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Hi Product Hunters, my name is Marcelo, and I created Future Job.

As you know, AI has taken our world by storm, and this technology will only get more relevant as time passes.

We need to keep up with all the advancements in this field, as it will have lots of implications in our daily lives, from how we think about creating new products to how we consume them.

Our jobs will also be affected, as AI tools like ChatGPT affect how we do our jobs. Some will be lost, others created, but we must be prepared to ride the wave and stay on top.

It takes time to keep up as things advance at a rapid pace.

This is the reason why I created Future Job. A newsletter centered on AI, the future of technology, and the way do work.

Stay on top of the news, and get a weekly list of learning resources and tools to stay ahead.


@evangeloper Congratulations! We have both launched the same day! Check out our tool, it's AI music, so maybe you it can be a topic for one of your weekly list!
@evangeloper I love the idea of Future Job. With AI changing the way we work, it's more important than ever to stay on top of the latest trends and developments. Looking forward to reading your newsletter!
@layla_jacks0n I cannot agree more, big changes are coming and its important to stay on top of the news! Thanks!
@ofrankowicz Hi Aleksander, congrats on your launch! Will definitely check it out. There's a button on the site to propose entries for the newsletter, please check it out!

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