Why Apple products have much higher resale values than competitors' devices

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/03/21/why-apple-products-have-much-higher-resale-values-than-competitors-devices/
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Why Apple products have much higher resale values than competitors’ devices

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 5:17 pmTuesday, March 21, 20237 Comments

Apple products have become synonymous with quality, design, and innovation. Their products are highly sought-after, with a loyal following of customers who appreciate the company’s attention to detail and commitment to providing a seamless user experience. One of the reasons why Apple products have higher resale values than their competitors is because of the company’s strategy and commitment to quality.

Apple's new MacBook Pro features Apple M2 Pro and M2 Max silicon
Apple’s new MacBook Pro features Apple M2 Pro and M2 Max silicon

Apple’s product strategy is focused on creating premium products that are built to last. The company invests heavily in research and development, which allows them to create products that are both innovative and durable. Apple’s products are known for their high-end materials, sleek design, and impressive specifications. This attention to detail and quality is reflected in their resale value, as customers are willing to pay a premium for a used Apple product that is still in excellent condition.

Another reason why Apple products have higher resale values is because of the company’s strong brand reputation. Apple has built a brand that is synonymous with quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. This reputation has been cultivated over several decades of creating high-quality products and providing exceptional customer service. Customers are willing to pay more for an Apple product because they trust the brand and believe that they are getting a superior product.

Apple’s commitment to providing excellent customer service also plays a role in the company’s high resale values. Apple offers a comprehensive warranty and repair program, which gives customers peace of mind when purchasing an Apple product. The company also has a dedicated support team that is available to assist customers with any issues they may have. This level of customer service helps to maintain the value of Apple products over time.

Apple’s closed ecosystem is also a factor in the company’s high resale values. Apple products are designed to work seamlessly together, with features like AirDrop and Handoff making it easy to share files and content between devices. This creates a network effect, where customers who own one Apple product are more likely to purchase additional products from the company.

MacDailyNews Note: Looking at just iPhone as an example, according to BankMyCell’s 2021-2022’S Phone Depreciation Report, Android phones’ value drops twice as fast as iPhone’s.

Comparable yearly deprication:
• Year 1: iPhone -13.83% vs. -32.06% Android
• Year 2: iPhone -13.57% vs. -35.14% Android
• Year 3: iPhone -11.30% vs. -27.09% Android
• Year 4: iPhone -20.50% vs. -34.44% Android

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