Celebrate life, gather and share memories of lost loved once

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/obitt
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"We would like to thank you for joining Obitt on our launch! Whilst we have plenty more ideas that we are working on ( Family trees, Death Api and Flower posting), we would love to hear your first impressions, user experience and how we can improve this platform!"

The makers of Obitt
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When my father passed on in 2022, exactly two (2) weeks after being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer I was devastated beyond words. With the constant thoughts of my dad that I had put to paper, I struggled to find a place where I could keep and share all the memories, beautiful family pictures and stories for posterity. The existing social platforms weren't ideal lest it all get swept and swamped by the latest trends. The paid platforms weren't appealing and limited, save to say they are expensive for my family and less appealing and interactive for the digital era we live today. Getting calls from his old workmates and social circles weeks and months after his death was the last stride, isn't there a better way to quickly let a loved one social circle on death? As I tried to think through and come to terms with my father's passing, Obitt struck!

Obitt allows for the creation of FREE, perpetual Obits in seconds allowing family and friends to share stories, experiences and pictures for posterity. The socially collaborative tools make it socially gratifying and redefine obituaries (Obits) as we know them. Obitt is built with features that you are already accustomed to on other social networks with few more that make it your ideal and ultimate digital cemetery!

This is an amazing idea.

Few questions I’m genuinely curious about and can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

1. What’s your plan on growing the user base? Who’s your target audience, how you’re going to reach these people? The topic is very sensitive and complicated because I imagine you’re trying to do a good thing for people going through the worst human experience imaginable.

P.S. as a Ukrainian, I‘ve seen non-profit organisations emerging now that are set to document the victims of Russian invasion. I think they might benefit from a product like yours.

2. Are you planning on monetising Obitt? And if yes, what’s your plan?

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Joyk means Joy of geeK