TheWorkSage - One place for everyone seeking career help or offering it | Produc...

 1 year ago
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"This is our first version and there's lots to improve functionality-wise (still getting used to Bubble.io, on which I built it!) But I'd love to hear your feedback in regards to the app itself. Is this something you'd use or suggest to others? Why/why not?"

The makers of TheWorkSage
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Hey PH community!

⭐ What started as a "small side hustle" to get product management experience, is now live and I couldn't be more excited! As a non-technical solo founder, there have been many challenges along the way, but here we are.

📈 I built TheWorkSage to help the careers of people, all by connecting career service seekers and providers in a marketplace.

✅ Seekers: - Anyone who wants to grow their career - Anyone who wants to change their career

✅ Providers: - Professionals with expertise in their field - Career coaches

Help can vary - from CV review, to interview preparation, to career coaching and many more...

💼 5 years ago I had to switch from Law to Business and I really wished at that time to have a place where I can go and receive guidance. Now I'm happy that if someone else is in the similar position or just want to grow in their current field, they will have that place!

Do you see yourself as a seeker or pro/coach, that can help?

Any general suggestions are welcome! ❤️

@ikiok Thanks! That's exactly what I said to myself as well, when the idea came to my mind :)

Hopefully others will be able to benefit from it - from starting out in their careers, all the way to people looking to get into Senior and Executive roles.

@veselin_kostov and I also needed some revamp in my CV! great timing!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK