AI vs Product Manager

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ai-vs-product-manager
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"I know that `AI vs Product Manager` still far from ideal. Please share your feedback, comments, and reviews with me. I will be happy to consider them while improving the product. Thank you for giving it a try!"

The makers of AI vs Product Manager
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Hey there, Hunters! 🎉

I'm Razii, and I'm excited to share my first-ever Product Hunt launch with you! While it may not be a magical product, it's something that has become an essential tool in my day-to-day life as a Product Manager – and I've been using it for a few weeks already.

**The Story**

Interestingly, I never planned on creating this product. I was actually working on another project that utilizes GPT technology, which I've been developing even before the official launch of ChatGPT (I'll share the story of that in my next PH launch 😌).

The idea for this product came about when I started using ChatGPT to assist me in my work. However, prompt engineering can be challenging for new users, as it requires a trial-and-error process to produce the best results. I also needed a way to store my 'usable' prompts for future use, as the current ChatGPT UX/UI wasn't convenient for that.

Then, I stumbled upon a LinkedIn post by Aatir about GPT prompts for product management, which inspired me to tweak the prompts for my own needs. But the copy-pasting issue remained – so I decided to create my own GPT prompt shortcut, where I could pre-define all the useful prompts for product management and related disciplines.

Thanks to source code shared by ddiu.io and some modifications, I was able to make it happen. And as for the name "AI vs Product Manager," it's a nod to the ongoing discussion about whether AI will replace jobs like product management. My goal is to show that AI can actually make a PM's life easier when we adapt and stay relevant in the market.

**The Features**

Currently, there are 30+ GPT Prompts for Product Management use-cases, with plans to add more, such as Design Sprint, Double Diamond, and Design Thinking.

1. Simply select the type of problem or JTBD prompt you need help with from the AI. 2. Provide context about your situation for the AI to generate relevant output. 3. If you're unsure about how to write the context, I've prepared examples for each available prompt as a reference point. 4. Like ChatGPT, you can probe further, ask for clarification, and provide more context to refine the AI's output until you're satisfied.

**The End**

This tool is free to use until further notice, although I may implement some authentication later on for users to access the page. For now, I'm not focused on monetizing this product.

So go ahead, give it a try, and let me know if you think any useful prompts are missing from the current list. I'll do my best to add them as quickly as possible.

Thank you, and enjoy!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK