Autopailot - Let GPT-4 respond to your customer's questions | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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Ranked #12 for today


Let GPT-4 respond to your customer's questions

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Set up customer support in minutes ✨ Train AI on previous conversations or any knowledge base. The model will learn about your business and support customers with any questions they might have.
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👋 Hey, Product Hunt! It's Jeremy from Autopailot. Thanks for checking out our launch, we appreciate this community so much 🧡

Autopailot is an AI-powered customer support tool that can reply to your customers’ questions faster and better than a human would. You can upload conversations or a knowledge base, and the AI will learn from it in minutes. Here's so features that make us really passionate about the future of this project:

🇺🇸 Autopailot can reply to customers in any language, ⏰ There are virtually no wait times for you customers 😊 The AI learns what to say, exactly in the tone of voice you use. 🔁 You can easily interface with Autopailot via API.

Some of you may think "what happens if the model isn't sure about what to say or is asked to do something that it can't do?" In that case, the AI pings you and asks for your response, then learns from it! On top of this, at any moment you can provide new material and teach the AI new responses.

We’re super excited to be launching on Product Hunt and can’t wait to hear what you think. Any feedback of questions are super appreciated 🙌

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