The Help Center Academy

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/the-help-center-academy
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"If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Is there anything you are missing from our guide? Let us know and help us create the best help center guide on this planet. Thank you for your interest in The Help Center Academy! πŸ™"

The makers of The Help Center Academy
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I've been looking for a free guide to help me create the perfect help center and this what I've been looking for. It is useful and valuable and commendable. Congrats on the launch of this useful and valuable product🀘🀘🀘
@adetokunbo_abiola Oh wow, happy to hear the academy just launched at the perfect time for you then πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯
Congratulations on the launch of The Help Center Academy πŸŽ‰ I'm curious - what kind of templates can I access to help me create an amazing help center? πŸ€” I'm already picturing myself as the help center hero! 😁

@paolo_degiglio Super happy to hear Paolo! :) Glad you are asking: In the Category & Article section you can find a fully prepared Notion template that has the most common categories every help center needs pre-filled. Not just that, it even has sample articles with prewritten helper text too! That took quite some time πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

πŸ‘‰ Here's the link if you want to check it out directly: https://helpkit.notion.site/Help...

Congratulations on the launch of The Help Center Academy! I'm sure this will be an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs looking to create a successful help center. It's always great to see creators providing resources and tips to help others build out their businesses. What exciting features can we expect from The Help Center Academy?
@samalyx Thanks Samar! Highly encourage you to browser through our interactive guide and see for yourself :))

Hey Product Hunters πŸš€

We're excited to introduce The Help Center Academy, a free and interactive step-by-step guide designed to help you create the perfect help center for your business. Our free guide covers everything you need to know to create a successful help center, including:

– Discovering the must-have characteristics of a great help center πŸ”

– Accessing proven category and article examples with free templates πŸ“

– Learning the top 5 tips to write a killer support article πŸ“–

– Studying the best 20 help center examples in the world πŸ†

– Getting your hands on the tools and resources to build your next help center like a pro πŸ› 

– Using the ultimate help center checklist to ensure your success πŸ“‹

Whether you're just getting started or looking to improve your existing help center, our guide offers expert-approved best practices, real-world examples, and a set of powerful tools to help you achieve your support success πŸš€

We believe that a great help center is the foundation of a successful business, and we're committed to helping you achieve that. Check it out and let us know what you think! It's free and hopefully much more engaging than your typical blog post πŸ™Œ

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for your interest in The Help Center Academy! πŸ™

@sobedominik such a polished work, Dominik. Super useful for inspiration & ideas when someone creates their help desk from scratch πŸ‘
@tarasowski Thanks Dimi! Super happy to hear it resonates.
@draptis When Jim says "polished" work it means I did my job somewhat right πŸ₯Ή Thanks buddy πŸ™

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