Praxes for 2022

 1 year ago
source link: https://jagtalon.com/2023/01/02/praxes-for-2022/
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Inspired by https://aklas.xyz/2020-praxis/

Using a 15-year-old computer

I learned about permacomputing in 2022, and I wanted to put those concepts of sustainability and maximizing hardware lifespan into practice. I’ve been yearning for a tiny personal laptop that I could bring with me wherever I went, so I got an EeePC from 2008 instead of buying a new one.

It’s a lot of work trying to do tasks within its constraints (when it’s not connected to AC it runs at 800Mhz!), but I like the thought that I brought new life into this old machine.

I also wrote a little zine about old computers.

Reconnecting with nature

I got into birding and stargazing, and it gives me so much joy to have a hobby that’s “unproductive.” I used to enjoy learning about the natural world as a kid, but somewhere along the way I stopped doing that: I started to think of my free time as monetizable, something that I could use to further my skills and my career.

Changing my relationship with work

My whole identity revolved around being a designer and a programmer in the past. But after reading books about work like How to Do Nothing, Work Won’t Love You Back, and Work, I think I’m starting to move past it. I’m now more open to non-productive activities like birding and stargazing.

I’ve also been putting more time into friendships and family this year and trying to build stronger relationships with them. Again, these are activities that won’t make me money, but I’m ok with that.

Tangentially, I’ve been into anarchism as well (reading a lot from Southeast Asian Anarchist Library and The Anarchist Library) which is inspiring me to practice and put time into mutual aid this year.

Getting back to my roots

I’ve been in the US for 11 years, and I’ve been feeling disconnected from my Filipino identity. So I’ve been writing and reading more Tagalog recently, and I think it’s helping merge both my “Filipino Jag” and “American Jag” identities.

I also got tattoos that reminded me of the Philippines. I got tattoos of gumamela (hibiscus), sampaguita (jasmine), and a paniki (bat).

I also made leche flan, sinigang, ginataang puso ng saging, tortang talong, and mais kon yelo this year!

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About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK