Secure deployments through extensive CI/CD pipelines

 1 year ago
source link: https://devm.io/continuous-delivery/quality-assembly-line-ci-cd
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Quality on the assembly line

Secure Deployments Through Extensive CI/CD Pipelines

To achieve optimization in your PHP projects and avoid deployment problems, you’ll need a well-coordinated mix of tools, pipelines, and approaches.

“I can't right now, I have to deploy a hotfix!”, Mark said in an upset tone. “Why, what's the problem?”, one of his colleagues replied. “Tom—who’s on vacation—used a match expression everywhere! But that only exists in PHP 8 and we use 7.4!”

Mark would love to have prevented the rollout in the aftermath, saving himself the trouble of having to rebuild Tom’s changes while under pressure from management. Once the new version is finally ready to run, colleagues ask themselves the same questions that many others do: “How can I secure my software against problems like this?”

In this article, we’ll dedicate ourselves to the most important tools and steps for this task. We’ll use PHP checks, static code analysis, unit tests, and more. For developing long-term quality, we’ll also use fully automated pipelines that prevent faulty code from being adopted in our Main Branch. Our focus is on individual steps and their connections up to the big picture from PHP’s point of view. Areas such as unit testing with JEST etc. can and should be integrated into a fully comprehensive pipeline. There are so many possibilities for individual tools and frameworks, so we’ll only loosely touch upon them so that they’re at least executable and functional.

PHP’s weaknesses

I'm sure many of us can relate to Mark's emotional state. Unfortunately, this is just one of the many potential issues in the daily life of a developer. There are many error sources that can be caused by different versions, approaches, or more. In order to prevent this, first, we need to understand why these problems happen in the first place. PHP has become quite a powerful language, but it wasn’t always. Unfortunately, PHP’s origins lie in a poorly designed language. Because of its inconsistencies, it’s easy to create bad, unstable code. The lack of type safety alone can quickly lead to unplanned chaos and hidden bugs. For instance, in older PHP versions an argument of a function could only be the variable name without a data type. Now it’s finally possible to resolve this unsafe definition and declare it explicitly. The impact on the project when migrating PHP versions could be fatal.

While migrating a very large application from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.x, as well as many migrations regarding type safety, etc., we found that in the end, our functions’ signatures weren’t consistently optimized for NULL values. Despite our well-intentioned “NULL queries” in our functions, they already crashed when they were called with FATAL exception, as NULL wasn’t allowed without direct specification. As you can imagine, these NULL cases were only in certain situations, in various areas in our application that were overlooked during testing. When I say “we found that in the end…” I mean in the live system. If the NULL checks were done before the functions were called, then there wouldn’t be any problem and the code would run as intended. This should show us that the real source of errors is developers themselves. But you can deliver code that’s perfect for the moment in every “flexible” language! You just need the right steps and tools. And that’s done best in combination with pipelines.

Hello Pipeline

Pipelines contain various subtasks that are executed fully automatically, either sequentially or in parallel. A pipeline always has a single result, which is either positive or—because of an error in a task—negative. This makes pipelines perfect for everything from unit tests and static code analysis to deployments and post-deployment tasks. A pipeline is built quickly. But as always, quickly doesn’t also mean stable. In the beginning, there’s always the question, “Where do I want my pipeline to run?” Depending on the repository hoster, the in-house service can be used for pipelines or an external service connected to the repositories. Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab and co. now offer smooth integrations for running pipelines. If you want to be independent from them or focus even more on pipelines, there are companies like Buddy dedicated to pipelines and automation.

Once you’ve made your decision, the concept for your pipelines can begin. There are basically no limits for their construction and use. There are two different basic kinds of pipelines: CI and CI/CD. CI (Continuous Integration) tries to return new code changes back into the main thread as often as possible. Focusing on test automation, attempts are made at uncovering new errors or other problems as early as the continuous integration of the new code. This kind of pipeline can be automatically executed after successfully merging a pull request, for example. But it’s also possible for open PRs to check in advance if the submitted code meets our quality requirements. CI/CD, (CD stands for Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment), goes one step further. With Continuous Delivery, changes are available directly for live deployment, if they pass the necessary tests and the pipeline’s analyses. With Continuous Deployment, changes are even fully automatically loaded onto the production system after successful tests. The basis for both deployment methods is a widespread and strict Continuous Integration pipeline that should try uncovering as many errors in advance as possible. For their application, we need some processes and tools that must first be integrated into our software.

In the beginning, there was software

Unit tests, static code analysis, and other operations need to be prepared and embedded in our application in the best way possible. They can be used in pipelines, but they have no direct connection to them. They provide opportunities for measuring the quality of our application. It’s always important to have the best possible coverage of different kinds of tests. Our error concerning the NULL...

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