地下城地图图块生成算法 - 张宏港

 1 year ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client


  1. 示例效果一
  2. 示例效果二


  • 从房间的边缘坐标XY为奇数的格子生成迷宫,确保房间和迷宫通路之间有间隔墙壁(除了蓝色格子视为墙壁)。
  • 迷宫通路生长每次探测两个格子,确保迷宫通路间有间隔墙壁。



三. 代码示例


public struct Vec2
    public int x;
    public int y;

    public Vec2(int x, int y)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public static Vec2 Zero
            return new Vec2(0, 0);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (!(obj is Vec2))
            return false;

        var o = (Vec2)obj;
        return x == o.x && y == o.y;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return x.GetHashCode() + y.GetHashCode();

    public static Vec2 operator+ (Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return new Vec2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

    public static Vec2 operator* (Vec2 a, int n)
        return new Vec2(a.x * n, a.y * n);

    public static Vec2 operator* (int n, Vec2 a)
        return new Vec2(a.x * n, a.y * n);

    public static bool operator== (Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;

    public static bool operator !=(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return !(a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y);


public struct Region
        public int id;
        public List<Vec2> positions;

        public Region(int id)
            this.id = id;
            positions = new List<Vec2>();

    struct Room
        public Rect rect;

        public List<Vec2> borders;
        public Room(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

            borders = new List<Vec2>();

            for (int i = x; i <= x + w; i++)
                for (int j = y; j <= y + h; j++)
                    if (!(i > x && x < x + w && j > y && j < y + h))
                        borders.Add(new Vec2(i, j));
  • Room中的格子,计算生成迷宫和尝试连接区域,只需要计算房间边缘的格子即borders。


struct Context
        public Vec2 size;
        public int roomCnt;
        public int windingPct;
        public int roomSizeOff;

        public int[,] map;
        public List<Region> regions;
        public List<Room> rooms;
        public int regionIDIdx;
  • size 地图的大小,由输入地图大小裁剪成长宽为奇数的大小。
  • roomCnt 预期生成地图的数量。
  • windingPct 地图的蜿蜒程度最大为100 注意:即使为0,地图的蜿蜒程度一般也会比较大。
  • roomSizeOff 房间长或宽的数值正负偏移
  • map 记录地图土块的类型索引
  • regions 地区列表
  • room 房间列表
  • 地区ID索引计数


public enum EDir
    Up = 0,
    Down = 1,
    Left = 2,
    Right = 3,

static Dictionary<EDir, Vec2> dirDict = new Dictionary<EDir, Vec2> 
        {EDir.Up, new Vec2(0, 1) },
        {EDir.Down, new Vec2(0, -1) },
        {EDir.Left, new Vec2(-1, 0) },
        {EDir.Right, new Vec2(1, 0) },


Context context;

    public void Init(int w, int h, int roomCnt, int windingPct, int roomSizeOff)
        int x = w - w % 2 - 2 - 1;
        int y = h - h % 2 - 2 - 1;
        context = new Context()
            size = new Vec2(x, y),
            roomCnt = roomCnt,
            windingPct = windingPct,
            roomSizeOff = roomSizeOff,

            map = new int[x, y],
            regions = new List<Region>(),
            rooms = new List<Room>(),
            regionIDIdx = -1,
  • 地图的长宽都被裁剪成奇数,并内缩一个单位。


void GenRooms()
        for (int i = 0; i < context.roomCnt;)
            var size = R.Range(1, 3 + context.roomSizeOff) * 2 + 1;
            var off = R.Range(0, 1 + size / 2) * 2;
            var w = size;
            var h = size;

            if (R.Range(0, 2) > 0)
                w += off;
                h += off;

            var x = R.Range(0, (context.size.x - w) / 2) * 2 ;
            var y = R.Range(0, (context.size.y - h) / 2) * 2 ;

            var rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

            bool isOverlap = false;
            foreach (var room in context.rooms)
                if (rect.Overlaps(room.rect))
                    isOverlap = true;

            if (isOverlap)

            for (int m = x; m < x + w; m++)
                for (int n = y; n < y + h; n++)
                    Carve(m, n);

            context.rooms.Add(new Room(x, y, w, h));
  • 根据roomCnt参数生成房间
  • 随机生成房间的大小和位置
  • 若是新生成的房间和其他的房间重合则重新生成
  • 生成房间的位置都是奇数,所以每个房间之上隔一个单位


void GenMaze()
        foreach (var room in context.rooms)
            foreach (var pos in room.borders)
                if (pos.x % 2 == 0 && pos.y % 2 == 0)

    void GrowMaze(Vec2 pos)
        Vec2 forward = Vec2.Zero;
        var stack = new Stack<Vec2>();
        bool isStart = true;
        while (stack.Count > 0)
            var p = stack.Pop();
            List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
            foreach (var pair in dirDict)
                var dir = pair.Value;
                if (CanMazeGrow(p, dir))

            if (dirs.Count > 0)
                if (!(dirs.Contains(forward) && R.Range(0, 100) < context.windingPct))
                    forward = dirs[R.Range(0, dirs.Count)];

                if (isStart)
                    isStart = false;
                    Carve(p + forward);

                Carve(p + 2 * forward);
                stack.Push(p + 2 * forward);
                forward = Vec2.Zero;

	bool CanMazeGrow(Vec2 pos, Vec2 dir)
        return CanCarve(pos + dir) && CanCarve(pos + 2 * dir);

    bool CanCarve(Vec2 pos)
        return CanCarve(pos.x, pos.y);

    bool CanCarve(int x, int y)
        return InMap(x, y) && context.map[x, y] == 0;

    bool InMap(Vec2 pos)
        return InMap(pos.x, pos.y);

    bool InMap(int x, int y)
        var size = context.size;
        return x >= 0 && x < size.x && y >= 0 && y < size.y;

    void Carve(Vec2 pos, int ty = 1)
        Carve(pos.x, pos.y, ty);

    void Carve(int x, int y, int ty = 1)
        context.map[x, y] = ty;
        context.regions[context.regionIDIdx].positions.Add(new Vec2(x, y));
  • 从每个房间的边缘XY为奇数尝试生长迷宫通路
  • 递归的生长迷宫向四周探测两个单位,符合条件则向那个方向生长两个单位,直到不能生长
  • 若至少生长了一次,则形成一个迷宫通路区域
  • 第一次生长时,为了避免后面影响连接的计算,第一次的第一个单位填充被忽略
void Connect()
        for (int i = 0; i < context.rooms.Count; i++)
            foreach (var pos in context.rooms[i].borders)

        Dictionary<int, Region> dict = new Dictionary<int, Region>();
        for (int i = 0; i < context.regions.Count; i++)
            dict[i] = context.regions[i];

        var idxs = new List<int>();
        while (dict.Count > 1)
            foreach (var pair in dict)

            var dest = idxs[idxs.Count - 1];
            idxs.RemoveAt(idxs.Count - 1);

            bool isMerge = false;
            foreach (var idx in idxs)
                var connectPos = Vec2.Zero;
                if (TryConnectRegion(dict[dest], dict[idx], out connectPos))
                    dict[context.regionIDIdx] = context.regions[context.regionIDIdx];
                    foreach (var pos in dict[dest].positions)

                    foreach (var pos in dict[idx].positions)

                    isMerge = true;

            if (!isMerge)
                Debug.Log("Region Merge Failed!");
	bool TryConnectRegion(Region a, Region b, out Vec2 connectPos)
        for (int i = 0; i < a.positions.Count; i++)
            var ap = a.positions[i];
            if (ap.x % 2 == 0 && ap.y % 2 == 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < b.positions.Count; j++)
                    var bp = b.positions[j];
                    if (bp.x % 2 == 0 && bp.y % 2 == 0)
                        if (ap.y == bp.y)
                            if (ap.x - bp.x == 2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(-1, 0);
                                return true;

                            if (ap.x - bp.x == -2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(1, 0);
                                return true;
                        else if (ap.x == bp.x)
                            if (ap.y - bp.y == 2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(0, -1);
                                return true;

                            if (ap.y - bp.y == -2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(0, 1);
                                return true;

        connectPos = Vec2.Zero;
        return false;
  • 递归的对区域进行两两合并
  • 两个区域若是各自存在一个格子,若是这两个格子的距离为2个单位则这两个单位可通过Lerp(格子a,格子b,0.5)这个格子连接,这两个区域合并成为一个区域。
  • 若是有需要可以判断两个区域中是否有房间,可以把这个格子作为"门"之类的东西。


void CutMaze()
        var region = context.regions[context.regionIDIdx];
        List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
        foreach (var pos in region.positions)

    void CutMazeArrangement(Vec2 pos)
        if (context.map[pos.x, pos.y] == 0)

        List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
        foreach (var pair in dirDict)
            var dir = pair.Value;
            var test = pos + dir;
            if (!InMap(test))
            if (context.map[test.x, test.y] == 1)

        if (dirs.Count == 1)
            context.map[pos.x, pos.y] = 0;
  • 递归的检查所有迷宫通路的格子,若是此格子的连通方向只有一个,则消除此格子。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using R = UnityEngine.Random;

public struct Vec2
    public int x;
    public int y;

    public Vec2(int x, int y)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public static Vec2 Zero
            return new Vec2(0, 0);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (!(obj is Vec2))
            return false;

        var o = (Vec2)obj;
        return x == o.x && y == o.y;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return x.GetHashCode() + y.GetHashCode();

    public static Vec2 operator+ (Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return new Vec2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);

    public static Vec2 operator* (Vec2 a, int n)
        return new Vec2(a.x * n, a.y * n);

    public static Vec2 operator* (int n, Vec2 a)
        return new Vec2(a.x * n, a.y * n);

    public static bool operator== (Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;

    public static bool operator !=(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
        return !(a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y);


public enum EDir
    Up = 0,
    Down = 1,
    Left = 2,
    Right = 3,

public class DungeonBuild
    public struct Region
        public int id;
        public List<Vec2> positions;

        public Region(int id)
            this.id = id;
            positions = new List<Vec2>();

    struct Room
        public Rect rect;

        public List<Vec2> borders;
        public Room(int x, int y, int w, int h)
            rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

            borders = new List<Vec2>();

            for (int i = x; i <= x + w; i++)
                for (int j = y; j <= y + h; j++)
                    if (!(i > x && x < x + w && j > y && j < y + h))
                        borders.Add(new Vec2(i, j));

    struct Context
        public Vec2 size;
        public int roomCnt;
        public int windingPct;
        public int roomSizeOff;

        public int[,] map;
        public List<Region> regions;
        public List<Room> rooms;
        public int regionIDIdx;

    static Dictionary<EDir, Vec2> dirDict = new Dictionary<EDir, Vec2> 
        {EDir.Up, new Vec2(0, 1) },
        {EDir.Down, new Vec2(0, -1) },
        {EDir.Left, new Vec2(-1, 0) },
        {EDir.Right, new Vec2(1, 0) },

    Context context;

    public void Init(int w, int h, int roomCnt, int windingPct, int roomSizeOff)
        int x = w - w % 2 - 2 - 1;
        int y = h - h % 2 - 2 - 1;
        context = new Context()
            size = new Vec2(x, y),
            roomCnt = roomCnt,
            windingPct = windingPct,
            roomSizeOff = roomSizeOff,

            map = new int[x, y],
            regions = new List<Region>(),
            rooms = new List<Room>(),
            regionIDIdx = -1,

    public void Build()




    public int[,] GetResult()
        return context.map;

    public Vector2 GetSize()
        return new Vector2(context.size.x, context.size.y);

    void GrowRegion()
        context.regions.Add(new Region(context.regionIDIdx));

    void TryShrinkRegion()
        if (context.regions[context.regionIDIdx].positions.Count == 0)

    void GenRooms()
        for (int i = 0; i < context.roomCnt;)
            var size = R.Range(1, 3 + context.roomSizeOff) * 2 + 1;
            var off = R.Range(0, 1 + size / 2) * 2;
            var w = size;
            var h = size;

            if (R.Range(0, 2) > 0)
                w += off;
                h += off;

            var x = R.Range(0, (context.size.x - w) / 2) * 2 ;
            var y = R.Range(0, (context.size.y - h) / 2) * 2 ;

            var rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);

            bool isOverlap = false;
            foreach (var room in context.rooms)
                if (rect.Overlaps(room.rect))
                    isOverlap = true;

            if (isOverlap)

            for (int m = x; m < x + w; m++)
                for (int n = y; n < y + h; n++)
                    Carve(m, n);

            context.rooms.Add(new Room(x, y, w, h));

    void GenMaze()
        foreach (var room in context.rooms)
            foreach (var pos in room.borders)
                if (pos.x % 2 == 0 && pos.y % 2 == 0)

    void GrowMaze(Vec2 pos)
        Vec2 forward = Vec2.Zero;
        var stack = new Stack<Vec2>();
        bool isStart = true;
        while (stack.Count > 0)
            var p = stack.Pop();
            List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
            foreach (var pair in dirDict)
                var dir = pair.Value;
                if (CanMazeGrow(p, dir))

            if (dirs.Count > 0)
                if (!(dirs.Contains(forward) && R.Range(0, 100) < context.windingPct))
                    forward = dirs[R.Range(0, dirs.Count)];

                if (isStart)
                    isStart = false;
                    Carve(p + forward);

                Carve(p + 2 * forward);
                stack.Push(p + 2 * forward);
                forward = Vec2.Zero;

    void Connect()
        for (int i = 0; i < context.rooms.Count; i++)
            foreach (var pos in context.rooms[i].borders)

        Dictionary<int, Region> dict = new Dictionary<int, Region>();
        for (int i = 0; i < context.regions.Count; i++)
            dict[i] = context.regions[i];

        var idxs = new List<int>();
        while (dict.Count > 1)
            foreach (var pair in dict)

            var dest = idxs[idxs.Count - 1];
            idxs.RemoveAt(idxs.Count - 1);

            bool isMerge = false;
            foreach (var idx in idxs)
                var connectPos = Vec2.Zero;
                if (TryConnectRegion(dict[dest], dict[idx], out connectPos))
                    dict[context.regionIDIdx] = context.regions[context.regionIDIdx];
                    foreach (var pos in dict[dest].positions)

                    foreach (var pos in dict[idx].positions)

                    isMerge = true;

            if (!isMerge)
                Debug.Log("Region Merge Failed!");

    bool TryConnectRegion(Region a, Region b, out Vec2 connectPos)
        for (int i = 0; i < a.positions.Count; i++)
            var ap = a.positions[i];
            if (ap.x % 2 == 0 && ap.y % 2 == 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < b.positions.Count; j++)
                    var bp = b.positions[j];
                    if (bp.x % 2 == 0 && bp.y % 2 == 0)
                        if (ap.y == bp.y)
                            if (ap.x - bp.x == 2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(-1, 0);
                                return true;

                            if (ap.x - bp.x == -2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(1, 0);
                                return true;
                        else if (ap.x == bp.x)
                            if (ap.y - bp.y == 2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(0, -1);
                                return true;

                            if (ap.y - bp.y == -2)
                                connectPos = ap + new Vec2(0, 1);
                                return true;

        connectPos = Vec2.Zero;
        return false;

    void CutMaze()
        var region = context.regions[context.regionIDIdx];
        List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
        foreach (var pos in region.positions)

    void CutMazeArrangement(Vec2 pos)
        if (context.map[pos.x, pos.y] == 0)

        List<Vec2> dirs = new List<Vec2>();
        foreach (var pair in dirDict)
            var dir = pair.Value;
            var test = pos + dir;
            if (!InMap(test))
            if (context.map[test.x, test.y] == 1)

        if (dirs.Count == 1)
            context.map[pos.x, pos.y] = 0;

    bool CanMazeGrow(Vec2 pos, Vec2 dir)
        return CanCarve(pos + dir) && CanCarve(pos + 2 * dir);

    bool CanCarve(Vec2 pos)
        return CanCarve(pos.x, pos.y);

    bool CanCarve(int x, int y)
        return InMap(x, y) && context.map[x, y] == 0;

    bool InMap(Vec2 pos)
        return InMap(pos.x, pos.y);

    bool InMap(int x, int y)
        var size = context.size;
        return x >= 0 && x < size.x && y >= 0 && y < size.y;

    void Carve(Vec2 pos, int ty = 1)
        Carve(pos.x, pos.y, ty);

    void Carve(int x, int y, int ty = 1)
        context.map[x, y] = ty;
        context.regions[context.regionIDIdx].positions.Add(new Vec2(x, y));

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