AWS Amplify and the Amazon Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program

 1 year ago
source link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mobile/aws-amplify-and-the-amazon-appstore-small-business-accelerator-program/
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AWS Amplify and the Amazon Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program

by Jessie VanderVeen | on 22 NOV 2022 | in AWS Amplify, Best Practices, Customer Solutions, Foundational (100), Front-End Web & Mobile, Technical How-to | Permalink |  Share

Amazon recently launched the Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program. This new program enables application developers to build a scalable business by reducing cloud infrastructure costs, while also offering better revenue share to help them get started on their own Day 1.

For developers that earned less than $1 million in revenue in the previous calendar year, Amazon is increasing developer revenue share and adding AWS credit options. All qualifying small business developers will receive an 80/20 revenue share by default. Additionally, developers will receive AWS promotional credits in an amount equivalent to 10 percent of revenue, so that developers can take advantage of the benefits of building on the cloud. By helping small businesses get started with AWS through credits, Amazon is making it easier for them to build and grow their app businesses.

AWS gives developers easy access to a broad range of technologies so they can innovate faster and build nearly anything they can imagine. AWS Amplify lets frontend and full-stack developers and teams build scalable web and mobile apps on AWS, faster and easier. Developers can host a web app, configure an app backend, build an app UI, and connect to an app backend in minutes. Amplify integrates with popular JavaScript frameworks like Vue, React, and Next.js, and supports native mobile development with iOS, Android, Flutter and React Native.

Learn more about the Amazon Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program and apply your AWS credits to your AWS Amplify account to start building.

View the AWS Amplify docs to get started.



Jessie VanderVeen

Jessie VanderVeen leads Product Marketing for AWS Front-end Web and Mobile development services team, which includes AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, and AWS Device Farm. She’s based in Seattle and is an avid surfer and outdoor enthusiast.

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