World War III will begin

 1 year ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/107113
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World War III will begin

By SHAHEEN, history, 23 hours ago,

Hello, codeforces community!

ShinigamiZ and I ( SHAHEEN ) We declared a war against the rats { Anas_Da and Majedh }

Both of them have been specialist for some time while we reached specialist once and fell back to pupil, and since then they have been talking about us as if we are trash, so we decided to challenge them on a race to the expert.

We are splitting into two teams, and the members of each team will practice together, But of course we will participate in contests each by himself.

We are looking for something the loser should do when one of us wins. Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Note that a team is considered winner if any of its members reach expert.

Another blog will be posted when the race is finished. Get ready for literally nothing!

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