Puppet: Take the 2022 State of DevOps Survey: Platform Engineering Edition!

 1 year ago
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Take the 2022 State of DevOps Survey: Platform Engineering Edition!

Reimagining the State of DevOps Report

Take the 2022 State of DevOps Survey: Platform Engineering Edition here.

For ten years, Puppet has published the gold standard of DevOps research. The State of DevOps Report has reached hundreds of thousands of readers, and has shaped the DevOps industry as we know it today – from exploring a nascent trend called DevOps to instituting the evolutionary model that defines it. Today, DevOps is both well understood and well-established across thousands of organizations, and evolves at a micro level, driven by niche trends such as platform engineering.

As a result, we are taking a new approach to the State of DevOps research. Rather than examine the state of enterprise DevOps broadly, we will focus on a single topic: platform engineering. The report will be narrower in scope and briefer in length, but will carry on Puppet’s tradition of in-depth, industry standard research and creative, digestible content.

Why platform engineering?

A lack of prescriptive organizational approaches limits the benefits of DevOps, particularly in the enterprise. Many of these models have issues that include lack of scalability, overlapping developer roles, and slowing speed of product delivery. Businesses need a more prescriptive approach to DevOps. One popular model that shows promise is the platform engineering team.

Platform engineering teams deliver shared infrastructure platforms. They continuously develop, build, maintain, and support underlying infrastructure, allowing DevOps initiatives to scale. In the last two years of State of DevOps research, we identified platforms as a rising trend and found a high degree of correlation between high DevOps evolution and the use of internal platforms. The 2020 State of DevOps Report focused largely on how the platform approach to software delivery helps organizations scale their DevOps initiatives, while the 2021 State of DevOps Report uncovered data that platform teams are key to success at scale.

We suspect that the platform team model implemented in large environments can help deliver on the promised benefits of DevOps, and this year’s State of DevOps research will determine if our hypothesis is correct.

Take the survey

We hope you can spare 15 minutes to take the State of DevOps Survey: Platform Engineering Edition. This year, we will donate $2 for every survey completion to one of two charitable organizations of your choosing: National Coalition for the Homeless and World Central Kitchen.

Thank you for being a part of Puppet’s grand tradition of DevOps research!

Take the survey here.

At Puppet by Perforce, Nigel Kersten is CTO and Ronan Keenan is Research Director.

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