No Price Increase for the Base iPhone 14, Analyst Says

 1 year ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/no-price-increase-for-the-base-iphone-14-analyst-says-536008.shtml
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The Pro models, however, could be $100 more expensive

   iPhone 14 Pro

Apple is projected to take the wraps off the new-generation iPhone lineup in September, and needless to say, the majority of details have already made the rounds though unofficial channels.

But now Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives comes to set things clear in one regard: the pricing of the new iPhone models.

In a note to analysts obtained by Ped30, Ives says Apple is unlikely to increase the price of the base iPhone, though, on the other hand, the Pro models will see the price going up by around $100.

“Our Asia supply chain checks on Apple over the last few weeks remain very firm (further slight improvement week over week) as Cupertino is in the final stages of setting up for its iPhone 14 release next week on September 7th. Hitting this target launch with the supply chain issues and zero Covid shutdown seen earlier this year is another massive achievement for Cook & Co,” the analyst explained.

Sales to kick off on September 16

“We believe the initial order for 90 million iPhone 14 units out of the gates has stayed firm and will be roughly flat with iPhone 13 despite the macro storm clouds building... In particular we believe Apple is expecting another heavy iPhone Pro and Pro Max mix shift which is a clear positive for ASPs heading into FY23. While the base iPhone will stay at the same price we believe a $100 price increase on the iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max is likely in store given component price increases as well as added functionality on this new release.”

Apple will announce the new iPhones on September 7, and if the typical schedule is maintained, the first units should fall in the hands of customers on September 16. Of course, the full information will be revealed by the company at the event.

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