Pay What You Want for this Public Speaking Master Class Bundle

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/deals/pay-what-you-want-for-this-public-speaking-master-class-bundle/
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Today's highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can Pay What You Want for this Public Speaking Master Class Bundle. From networking to negotiating, get the confidence and skills to control every conversation.

Public speaking

How does it work?

With the Pay What You Want bundles, you can get something incredible for as little as you want to pay. And if you beat the average price, you’ll receive the fully upgraded bundle!Included in this Pay What You Want deal, are the following courses:

Pay What You Want (as little as $1) for the unlocked item:

  • Small Talk Networking: How To Talk To Anyone
    Develop the Confidence to Talk to Anyone in Any Social or Networking Setting

Or beat the average price to get the following items:

  • Public Speaking & Presentations For Pros
    Level up Your Public Speaking & Presentation Skills to a Professional Level

  • Body Language: Communicate More Effectively
    Use the Power of Body Language to Get the Things You've Always Wanted

Here's the deal:

  • The bundle represents an overall retail value of $597
  • But you can Pay What You Want for the unlocked course (as little as $1)
  • Beat the average price and you'll take home the entire bundle.
  • Beat the Leader's price and get entered into the epic giveaway.

>> Get the Public Speaking Master Class Bundle
See other Pay What You Want deals. This is a time-limited offer, ending soon.

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