New Snapchat feature now lets you record videos from both the rear and front cam...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/new-snapchat-feature-now-lets-you-record-videos-from-both-the-rear-and-front-cameras/
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New Snapchat feature now lets you record videos from both the rear and front cameras

Snapchat Dual Camera

Snapchat has added a new feature that will let you record content from both the front and the rear camera of your phone. Called "Dual Camera", the recording feature was first previewed during Snapchat's Partner Summit earlier this year.

Dual Camera is one of the features that, Snapchat promised, would be part of advanced camera features under the name "Director Mode". However, the fully fledged director mode hasn't yet made it to the app and dual camera is itself just a standalone feature that is currently launched.

To use the feature, click on the new icon for Dual Camera in the camera toolbar. The feature has four layouts including vertical, horizontal, picture-in-picture, and cutout.

Snapchat's Dual Camera is available globally on iOS starting today, with support for Android coming soon.

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