You can soon daisy chain three 4K 60Hz monitors on your Intel Arc laptop running...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/you-can-soon-daisy-chain-three-4k-60hz-monitors-on-your-intel-arc-laptop-running-linux/
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You can soon daisy chain three 4K 60Hz monitors on your Intel Arc laptop running Linux

Intel Arc with Linux Tux

Intel is working on a new feature that will allow Linux users to daisy chain up to three 4K 60Hz monitors with their DisplayPort 1.4 on Arc graphics. According to a report from Phoronix, this is the first time Intel is implementing DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport Display Stream Compression (DP MST DSC) functionality for Linux.

Previously, Intel's Linux drivers allowed only connecting two monitors, without daisy chaining, including Intel's integrated graphics solutions.

Intel will be pushing this feature out to its open-source driver stack for Arc GPUs. But whether or not it will work on the cheaper options like the Arc A380, which just arrived in the US, remains to be seen.

However, it is unclear if Intel's integrated graphics solution will support this feature on Linux. The feature is not particularly useful for desktops since Arc Alchemist graphic cards built by AIB Partners already feature four display outputs. However, for Arc powered laptops, it could be very useful because of limited connectivity options.

If the development goes well, the feature is expected to come as early as this October with the Linux kernel 6.1 update.

Source: Phoronix (via Tom's Hardware)

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