TikTok Provides New Tips on the Value of its ‘Instant Page’ Ad Display Option

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/tiktok-provides-new-tips-on-the-value-of-its-instant-page-ad-display-opti/630136/
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TikTok Provides New Tips on the Value of its ‘Instant Page’ Ad Display Option

Published Aug. 19, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Looking for ways to maximize your TikTok campaigns, and ensure that your ads resonate with TikTok’s audience?

This could help - earlier this year, TikTok launched ‘Instant Page’, which enables brands to connect their TikTok ads through to a lightweight, native landing page, built within TikTok itself, that loads up to 11x faster than standard mobile pages.

As you can see in this example, via Instant Page, TikTok users can view videos and images, swipe through carousels, or even click on buttons to explore another destination, all without leaving TikTok itself.

That can help brands alleviate concerns around slower load times and delays, which can cause potential customers to lose interest – especially TikTok users with their increasingly short attention spans.

TikTok Instant Page

More than this, however, in a new tips post, TikTok also says that Instant Page can be great for providing additional contextual detail and insight, in order to boost campaign performance.

“Instant Page is especially useful for informing, educating, and engaging users on complex topics where ad creatives can’t go into the necessary detail e.g. for finance brands. With added vital information about the product and service clearly listed on the Instant Page, it provides prospective users with the necessary consideration points in order to make more sound judgments before purchasing. This, in turn, shortens their decision-making time.”

TikTok Instant Page

That can make it easier to showcase your product’s key features and value adds, all within the app that users are already active on and familiar with, before they take that next step.

TikTok further notes that its users actually prefer to be led to a page within the platform, rather than being redirected to an external website or app.

“Campaign results from our platform prove this again and again. Campaigns that use an Instant Page reduce their cost per acquisition up to 75%, compared to campaigns that don’t use the feature. Not only that, these campaigns also achieve a 25% to 35% higher click-through rate on call to action buttons within the Instant Page. That means out of every three or four people who view an advertiser’s Instant Page, at least one person will engage with the CTA button.”

It could be a good consideration – and if you are looking at Instant Page as a potential addition for your ads, TikTok has also shared some key best practice tips and notes:

TikTok Instant Page

TikTok’s key tips are:

  • Create an Instant Page using one of our many available templates, or customize your own from the ground up
  • Set up several different Instant Pages to test their varied effects on your selected audiences.
  • Include a broader target audience at first, then narrow down to higher-performing segments.
  • Have at least one call to action button.
  • Choose a distinctive call to action button design that matches your brand’s style and color, etc.
  • Consider your Instant Page’s average view percentage and average view time together for a holistic understanding of the page’s performance.
  • Onsite page views and call to action button clicks are also major metrics to watch.

It could be a valuable element, and with the holiday shopping season fast approaching, it could be a key consideration to maximize engagement with TikTok’s increasingly impatient user base.

You can learn more about TikTok’s Instant Page tools here.

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