Egyptian VC, Openner, Launches MENA’s First Web3 Studio to Fastrack Markets Grow...

 1 year ago
source link: https://bitcoinke.io/2022/08/egyptian-vc-openner-launches-mena-first-web3-studio/
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Egyptian VC, Openner, Launches MENA’s First Web3 Studio to Fastrack Markets Growth

"By combining the incentive structure of a Co-Founder, the resources of a development agency, and the venture fund network, Qurious Labs can work with Web3 creatives and technologists who have extremely limited resources and launch world-class products with them." - Openner

August 11, 2022

Openner, an Egyptian VC firm, has launched Qurious Labs, which is defined as a Web3 studio with the goal to develop markets and help them get access to global technology, talent, and capital.

To get the best understanding of what Qurious Labs does we went to their website where they indicate that they are a ‘one-stop shop for builders to launch their Web3 projects, DAOs, games, and decentralized applications that will unlock massive opportunities for everyone that participates.’

In a press release, Openner said:

“By combining the incentive structure of a Co-Founder, the resources of a development agency, and the venture fund network, Qurious Labs can work with Web3 creatives and technologists who have extremely limited resources and launch world-class products with them.”

– Openner


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According to Qurious Labs, many VCs are betting on Web3 despite market downturn, adding that the industry will blow up after the downturn – and the nascent sector will revolutionize how projects raise money.

According to Wassimy:

“Over half a million developers around the world are building the infrastructure that will shape an always-on, economically equitable future for society leveraging web3 and we’re excited to embark on this journey to bridge the gap between web3 and emerging marketing in the Middle East and North Africa.

Web3 communities and networks will motivate participants to become owners and investors in the networks they want to be a part of and help grow. This will be a whole new way of raising capital from your early believers and die-hard fans.

That’s the power of Web3 and there’s no better time to build for it.”

– Studio Director, Openner


Qurious Labs hires talent from all around the world to build upon existing infrastructure and indicated that it looks to work alongside partners across multiple sectors including:

  • Government
  • Private sector
  • Civil society

Speaking on this structure, Ash Rofail, General Partner, Openner, said:

“The way we coordinate, govern, and participate in networks will change the way we work and value our time with the growth of web3 and we believe that Qurious Labs is well positioned and resourced to unlock that potential and prioritise the development of world-class, decentralized digital infrastructure for communities everywhere.”

– General Partner, Openner

The firm is looking to operate in the following MENA countries:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • Egypt


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