UX design tropes I hate

 1 year ago
source link: https://uxplanet.org/ux-design-tropes-i-hate-99b6785375bc
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UX design tropes I hate

My head is done in by how lazy tropes like this one coming have become bog standard PowerPoint karaoke aimed at eager UX design students and customers alike.

You all know it. The picture of a man taking a shortcut across a well-worn path because it's easier than using the designed path beside it.


User experience and design on divergent paths? Image from some website or other. Don’t care.

Combine user experience with design please to solve a problem in a way people will like. Based on research. Think of UX as the art and science of making the pain go away.

Images like this belong in the trash, along with that lazy ketchup bottle trope. Write your own jokes about that enabling shortcut for power walkers, er, users usability heuristic #7, while you are at it.

Why does UX design struggle so much to explain itself to normal people?

That is all. Thank you.

Ultan Ó Broin is a UX educator, learner and sufferer from Ireland.

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