AWS Global Accelerator 支援 IPv6

 1 year ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2022/07/31/10817/aws-global-accelerator-%e6%94%af%e6%8f%b4-ipv6/
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AWS Global Accelerator 支援 IPv6

AWSAnycast 服務 AWS Global Accelerator 宣佈支援 IPv6:「New for AWS Global Accelerator – Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Support」。

算是補功能,不過這個功能只對於「純 IPv6 環境」的使用者端有用 (沒有 DNS64 + NAT64 的轉換),目前商轉給一般使用者用的 IPv6 環境應該都還是有掛 DNS64 + NAT64 才對...

另外使用這個功能會需要 VPC 有 IPv6 能力:

To test this new feature, I need a dual-stack application with an ALB entry point. The application must be deployed in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and support IPv6 traffic.

然後 IPv4 會進到 IPv4 的服務裡,IPv6 則會進到 IPv6 的服務裡:

Protocol translation is not supported, neither IPv4 to IPv6 nor IPv6 to IPv4. For example, Global Accelerator will not allow me to configure a dual-stack accelerator with an IPv4-only ALB endpoint. Also, for IPv6 ALB endpoints, client IP preservation must be enabled.



AWS 在同一區不同 AZ 頻寬費用的特別地方

剛好在處理 AWS 同一個 region 下不同 AZ 之間的傳輸費用,跟帳單互相比對,查了以後才發現跟想像中不一樣,這邊以 EC2 為例子,可以參考「Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing」這頁裡面的說明。 從 Internet 端進 AWS 的流量是不計費的: Data Transfer IN To Amazon EC2 From Internet All data transfer in $0.00 per GB 但從 AZ 進到另外一個 AZ 時,in 與 out 都要收費: Data transferred "in" to and "out" from Amazon EC2, Amazon…

June 25, 2022

In "Computer"

Route 53 支援 DNS64,以及 NAT Gateway 支援 NAT64

AWS 宣佈了一套機制,讓 IPv6-only 的機器可以連到 IPv4-only 的服務:「Let Your IPv6-only Workloads Connect to IPv4 Services」。 首先是 DNS64,針對只有 IPv4-only 的 A record 自動加上 AAAA record (如果已經有 AAAA record 的則不變),這邊提到的 64:ff9b::/96 是來自 DNS64 標準內的規範: The DNS resolver first checks if the record contains an IPv6 address (AAAA record). If it does, the IPv6 address…

March 13, 2022

In "AWS"

Facebook 將繼續提供 IPv6 的服務...

World IPv6 Day 結束了,結束後第一個看到公告的是 Facebook 在「Exciting Results from World IPv6 Day」提到的: Based on the encouraging results, we’ve decided to leave our Developer site dual-stacked, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6. And we will continue to adapt our entire code base and tools to support IPv6. 也就是 developers.facebook.com 仍然會保留 IPv6 & IPv4…

June 9, 2011

In "Computer"

a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on July 31, 2022Categories AWS, Cloud, Computer, Murmuring, Network, ServiceTags accelerator, amazon, anycast, aws, cloud, dns64, dual, global, internet, ipv4, ipv6, nat64, network, protocol, service, stack, vpc

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