The 2022 Linux Plumbers Conference schedule is out

 1 year ago
source link: https://lwn.net/Articles/903481/
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The 2022 Linux Plumbers Conference schedule is out

[Posted August 1, 2022 by jake]

The 2022 Linux Plumbers Conference (LPC) has announced its schedule. The conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland, September 12-14.

The schedule for when the miniconferences and tracks are going to occur is now posted at: https://lpc.events/event/16/timetable/#all

The runners for the miniconferences will be adding more details to each of their schedules over the coming weeks.

The Linux Plumbers Refereed track schedule and Kernel Summit schedule is now available at: https://lpc.events/event/16/timetable/#all.detailed

The leads for the networking and toolchain tracks will be adding more details to each of their schedules over the coming weeks, as well.

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