Winking at the Camera

 1 year ago
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By Matt Birchler
I've been writing here since 2010! Back when personal blogs were all the rage. Kids, ask your parents.
July 27, 2022

Winking at the Camera

Li Zhoh: Republicans have a nonsensical argument against the same-sex marriage bill

Many Senate Republicans, rather than confront the substance of new legislation that would provide federal protections for same-sex marriage, are instead arguing that a vote on the bill is unnecessary.

By their reasoning, lawmakers don’t need to consider this legislation, which has already passed the House and is known as the Respect for Marriage Act, because the Supreme Court will treat the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that established this right as settled law.

One of the sitting justices literally just said that Obergefell should be reconsidered. And given that other justices who said Roe was a settled issue under oath in their confirmation hearings, only to overturn it a couple years later, forgive me if I can't hear Republicans saying the right for gay couples to marry is "settled law" without seeing them wink at the camera while they say it.


Hey there, I'm Matt!

I'm a UI/UX designer at NMI and I make videos over on A Better Computer, which I think you'll love.

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