Announcing the center keynote for Meeting C++ 2022: Daniela Engert

 1 year ago
source link: http://meetingcpp.com/meetingcpp/news/items/Announcing-the-center-keynote-for-Meeting-Cpp-2022-Daniela-Engert.html
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Announcing the center keynote for Meeting C++ 2022: Daniela Engert

published at 21.07.2022 14:56 by Jens Weller
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This years Meeting C++ conference will offer a unique set of keynotes, mostly from folks that have become staples of the conference.


Daniela Engert has been attending the conference since 2014, first as a normal attendee, and in 2018 she started to give her own talks with socializing with {fmt} in a unique way. For way longer then this she has been a part of our community and has been a developer in the industry for over 30 years after finishing her degree in electrical engineering. One of Danielas most recent contributions to fmt is implementing a version with modules, you could call this the modularization of fmt. In this she has worked with the committee and implementers, in ironing out various bugs and working on improving modules in C++23 but also in implementations such as the one in Visual C++.

So I'm looking forward to see what she has to say about C++, modules, fmt and all the other things that migth be important enough to become part of her keynote!

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