Announcing Meeting C++ 2022 - "viral edition"

 2 years ago
source link: http://meetingcpp.com/meetingcpp/news/items/Announcing-Meeting-Cpp-2022----viral-edition-.html
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Announcing Meeting C++ 2022 - "viral edition"

published at 06.04.2022 16:11 by Jens Weller
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Meeting C++ 2022 (17th - 19th November) will be a hybrid event, returning to Berlin while also being an online event for all that can't make it to the Andels in Berlin.

After two years, this years conference will be the first hosted on site again. For 3 days Meeting C++ will offer the best of C++ in talks and 3 keynotes. Keynotes will be announced later, there is a long list of folks I'd like to keynote, but I haven't decided on this at the moment.

With this event Meeting C++ will celebrate its first 10 years, yet the pandemic makes planning hard.


Those that attend on site will also have access to the online event. The online event it self will feature a track of its own to host speakers that either can't make it to the venue or don't want to risk the travel with the ongoing pandemic in fall.

On site attendees will have access to the online event also, so that you may watch a talk or keynote from your room. Early Bird Tickets for online and onsite are now available! The Early Bird tickets will be again available only in the ticketshop and until the call for talks finishes in June.

As with the fall the pandemic likely will come back, Meeting C++ 2022 is planned with this in mind. So as of today, Meeting C++ assumes that onsite have proof of vaccination and/or infection.


The call for talks runs until June 12th, you can submit your talk and edit it until then. The form allows you select for online track only, every other talk will be placed in either the onsite tracks or the online ones. I'll post an official call for talks with more details next week.

Viral edition - planning the conference in 2022

While the numbers are dropping for summer, the conference in November is likely to be at the dawn of Winter, which is difficult to plan for. So as of now the baseline is to be on the safe site. Priority has to be the well being and health of all attendees on site in this regard. It is very unlikely that we'll be not able to host the conference  on site due to a lockdown, but it is likely that certain measurements have to be taken to ensure the safety of the event. So as for now, Meeting C++ 2022 is planned with these measures in place for the onsite event.

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