Announcing the first two AMAs for Meeting C++ 2022

 1 year ago
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Announcing the first two AMAs for Meeting C++ 2022

published at 01.09.2022 11:32 by Jens Weller
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Finally I am able to announce the two first AMAs for this years conference, these will be held online in the evening.

The two AMAs will be given by Inbal Levi and Bjarne Stroustrup. Inbal is a member of the C++ committee, and has been involved with the Core C++ conference and their User Group meetings. She works as an embedded dev and has a passion for high performance. Bjarne Stroustrup is well known as the inventor of C++, he is active for over 30 years in the C++ committee to follow his dream of a programming language that is C++. He is a professor of Computer Science in Columbia University in New York City. Which likely is also the reason that we will get to see him on Saturday, as he is teaching on Thursday and Friday. I want to thank Bjarne for taking time on his weekend to meet with the community for one hour.

Which gives us an open spot for a third AMA, I hope to be able to announce this during September.

Since 2020 AMAs (ask me anything) have become a new part of Meeting C++, I even have plans to make them part of Meeting C++ online. In this years conference the AMAs are the evening program, and they are part of the online conference.

Ask me anything C++


Inbal Levi

Inbal Levi

Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup

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