Stable kernel updates delayed

 1 year ago
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Stable kernel updates delayed

[Posted July 15, 2022 by corbet]

The stable kernel updates that were due on July 14 have been delayed for several days, according to Greg Kroah-Hartman, due to problems that have come up with the Retbleed mitigation patches.

The problems are purely due to the fact that we were forced to do this type of work "in private" with very limited ability for testing by the normal larger kernel community like we rely on. We don't have fancy or huge private testing labs where we can do all of this work as we are an open source project, and we rely on open testing in public.

The ongoing problems might yet slow down the 5.19 release as well.

Update: there has actually been a different set of updates released: 5.18.12, 5.15.55, 5.10.131, and 5.4.206. These revert a single problematic MTD patch.

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