How to Drive a Better Customer Experience in Today's Overcrowded, Experience-Dri...

 2 years ago
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How to Drive a Better Customer Experience in Today's Overcrowded, Experience-Driven World

Join us in this free webinar as we discuss actionable tips and best practices to deliver a better customer experience from discovery to post-purchase.

By Entrepreneur Staff June 23, 2022

The experience economy has infiltrated every industry—from online shopping to healthcare, consumers expect a highly interactive, personalized experience in nearly every interaction. And when your business doesn't deliver, consumers flock to the competition.


Join us in this free webinar as we discuss actionable tips and best practices to deliver a better customer experience from discovery to post-purchase. In this webinar you'll learn:

  1. What customers expect from customer experience today
  2. How to deliver a better customer experience at every stage of the customer journey
  3. What best practices for customer experience you can implement now (and what you should make a plan to implement in the future)

Meet your panel

  • Chance Olson, EVP of Customer Experience & Strategy, Podium
  • Julie Inouye, Head of Communications, Podium
  • Jay Baer, Marketing & Customer Experience Expert, Convince & Convert
  • David Meltzer, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author, and Business Coach

The How to Drive a Better Customer Experience in Today's Overcrowded, Experience-Driven World webinar will take place live on Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 1PM EST/ 10AM PST.

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