Phone stuck in bootloop. Recovery says directories not found.

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/phone-stuck-in-bootloop-recovery-says-directories-not-found.4459053/#post-87041689
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Phone stuck in bootloop. Recovery says directories not found.

Net Creature

New member

I performed a factory reset from within the OS and when it restarted it was stuck on the Samsung splash page. After this I performed a reset from the recovery menu. Now the phone was stuck in a boot loop. At this point I re-flashed the factory ROM from ODIN and it is again in a boot loop. Sometimes it makes it to setting up the apps but just resets again.

For some reason the phone attempts to install an update whenever I enter the recovery and once there it states that it cannot locate files. The location of these files is "E:". I have no idea why it cannot locate anything it looks for and why " E: " is not there if it needs that location as the phone is completely stock.

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