FSM Appointment offering (FSM integration with C4C via Appgyver)

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/06/18/fsm-appointment-offering-fsm-integration-with-c4c-via-appgyver/
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June 18, 2022 1 minute read

FSM Appointment offering (FSM integration with C4C via Appgyver)

FSM Appointment offering is a appointment booking feature from C4C via appgyver.

Agent can also book appointments on behalf of customers for available slots, make a selection, and book a service appointment from the C4C.Booked appointments can be rescheduled and canceled within time constraints identified in the configuration.

Business Use Case

I, as a customer, had brought pumps and had unexpectedly encountered an issue with one of them.I’m on the phone with an agent who can schedule an appointment for me with the appropriate technician.

Key Capabilities and Business Benefits 

  • Easily integrate with SAP Service Cloud
  • Easily integrate with FSM


  • SAP Cloud for Customer
  • Appgyver Account
  • FSM to C4C standard Iflow integration


Step 1:Please create a FSM App with Appgyver as mentioned below, Please pass page parameter like Datetime from ticket screen.

  1. When we pass the from and to dates, it will load all the Technicians by default.
  2. Agent can select the duration based on customer requirement
  3. Agent can suggest the preferred technician Technicians based on his skill set
  4. By selecting specified Technicians Agent can assign the specific slot based on customer necessity



Step 2 : Please embedded the Appgyver App in C4C in Side pane


Step 3: Please select technicians and duration based on the customer necessity


Step 4: Please select Assign /Assign and Release based on requirement automatically the agent will be assigned


Step 5: Once it releases it will show in FSM


Conclusion : Showing the Technician Assignment Integration between C4C -FSM via Appgyver

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