The Main Takeaways From Elon Musk's Address To Twitter Employees Today

 2 years ago
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The Main Takeaways From Elon Musk's Address To Twitter Employees Today

· 2 days ago ·

16.8k reads

The Main Takeaways From Elon Musk's Address To Twitter Employees Today
Elon Musk held a video conference — from his phone — with Twitter employees for the first time today. The New York Times's Mike Isaac tweeted out the most notable bits from the conversation.

Elon Musk joined a virtual all-hands meeting at Twitter today, speaking with employees of the social media company for the first time since he began planning to acquire it.

Musk's deal is still moving forward, and he spoke with Twitter employees about his vision for the platform and how he aimed to address a variety of concerns and problems.

He appeared to be speaking via his phone, and apparently had a few audio issues during the broadcast.

here’s musk broadcasting from what appears to be a hotel room, on his phone!https://t.co/85EJ3enxXH pic.twitter.com/hcHka2OzYG

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022

Mike Isaac and other reporters for the New York Times kept a running log of the discussion both on the New York Times and on Twitter. Here are some of the highlights.

Why Elon Musk loves Twitter:

we're still on question one: "Why do you love twitter," and elon's answer was pretty long and rambling, but one thing he said was that he appreciated "Freedom of speech, and Freedom of Reach."

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On content moderation:

Elon gets a question on content moderationn issues and what should/shouldnt be allowed.

He is more worried about whether or not people are seeing "boring content," and that TikTok does a great job of keeping people entertained.

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On how his political views might affect Twitter:

Musk is asked how his politcal views will affect the company? says he's a moderate. He voted democrat in the past, and noted that he voted for Flores, a mexican american politician.

(An employee notes she is also a believer in QAnon)

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On displaying intentions behind tweets:

asked about "authenticating all humans on the service," Musk reiterates how much he dislikes bots.

"It needs to be much more expensive to have a troll army."

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On inclusiveness and diversity:

Elon is asked about his views and any commitment to a diverse workplace and serving a diverse user base.

Elon says he really wants to have "at least a billion people on Twitter. Maybe more." and that he sees as the "most explicit definition of inclusiveness."

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On employer-employee trust:

Musk, on employees trusting him and vice versa:

"If somebody is getting useful things done, that's great. If they arent getting useful things done, then why are they at the company?"

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022
On remote work:
On layoffs:
On... aliens?

I think Musk spoke about aliens for a minute?

— rat king (@MikeIsaac) June 16, 2022

My main takeaway from Elon's call with Twitter today. pic.twitter.com/CuiHg5d0kQ

— Ryan Mac 🙃 (@RMac18) June 16, 2022

The meeting with Musk was only scheduled for 45 minutes, and reportedly ran longer than that, but Musk has agreed to speak further with Twitter employees in this format.


Read more on the New York Times.

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