Obsidian's tiny survival game Grounded expands out of early access this Septembe...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/obsidians-tiny-survival-game-grounded-expands-out-of-early-access-this-september/
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Obsidian's tiny survival game Grounded expands out of early access this September

Grounded hit early access back in 2020, offering players a survival game set in the backyard, but the twist being that their characters are the size of ants. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment, after a couple of years of continuous updates in early access where it gathered over 10 million players, the game is almost ready to launch version 1.0. Watch the full release trailer shown at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase above.

Aside from the content in the 12 major updates that have reached the game so far, which brought new types of bugs to fight, crafting options, building materials, biomes and more, the 1.0 release will complete the story campaign. The title will finally let players find out how the miniaturization situation happened and unravel the mystery involving the mad scientist behind it all.

Grounded 10 Screenshot

That's not all either, as Obsidian is opening up the Upper Yard to players with 1.0, a brand-new section of the massive miniature environment with even more backyard to explore. Arriving alongside the new area is The Mantis as a new insect boss, new armor and weapon recipes, and plenty of secrets to find.

Grounded comes out on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox Game Pass with a $39.99 price tag sometime in September. This was the second piece of news to come out of Obsidian during the Xbox Showcase today, as a brand-new game announcement also arrived out of the studio.

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