Telegram confirms plans to introduce paid Premium subscription - 9to5Mac

 2 years ago
source link: https://9to5mac.com/2022/06/10/telegram-confirms-new-paid-premium-plan/
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Telegram confirms plans to introduce paid Premium subscription


Telegram is certainly one of the most popular instant messaging apps, and it has become known for offering multiple features such as stickers, editing options, secret chat, and more before its competitors. While the app is currently free, Telegram confirmed on Friday its plans to introduce a new “Premium” plan with extra features.

Telegram Premium had been rumored for a few months. Now the existence of a paid plan has been confirmed by Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who shared some details of how Telegram Premium will work.

According to Durov, the Premium plan was created with users who have been asking Telegram to “raise the current limits even further.” But as explained by the founder of the platform, this involves high server costs. This is where Telegram Premium comes in, as a new subscription plan that will unlock more features for users who want and need them.

In addition to extra features, Durov says that Telegram Premium will provide more “speed and resources.” Premium users will also receive the new free features first.

After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option. That’s why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first.

But what exactly are these unique features? For now, Durov revealed that Telegram Premium subscribers will be able to send “extra-large files,” which includes documents and media. Telegram Premium will also feature exclusive animated reactions and stickers.

What about regular Telegram users?

Exclusive reactions available for Telegram Premium users.

Pavel Durov assures that all of Telegram’s current features will remain free, and that there are still many new free features coming in the future. Free users will also be able to see documents, reactions, and stickers sent by Premium users.

Telegram, of course, has been trying to find a way to make money from the platform. The company argues that despite its efforts to create privacy-focused advertisements on public channels, it believes that Telegram should be funded primarily by its users, not advertisers.

Telegram Premium will be available later this month, but pricing remains unclear for now.

More about Telegram

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