Similar Solutions But I did not cheat. What can I do now..?

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/94269
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I've been coding for over a year now and I have struggled a lot in Pupil and then in last contest I was finally able to get to specialist and I was really happy about it. But now my solutions have been skipped because my solution for question C is almost identical with someone else's solution and since he submitted his solution first my code was skipped. Link to my solution — https://codeforces.com/contest/1561/submission/126868349 Link to his solution — https://codeforces.com/submissions/dlee815

The solutions are almost identical and I don't know how am I supposed to prove my innocence. I do not have any solid proof except my rough notes from the time of contest where you can see that I was trying of figure out how I should enter my caves and what will be my values after the cave and I was trying to figure out my solution but other than this I don't have any other proof. What should I do..? This is really disheartening.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rucpKwBzl-Em_85zmIhSMYOeDQ-jMlRx/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TeTTmpQedVwo-cWgH9c51-UgWK6_NAYA/view?usp=sharing

10 months ago, # |

It happend to me too :( (a long time ago) My best advice is to put more things into your template.

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    I've struggled a lot and I know that when people cheat and get ahead of you that feels so unfair and I don't think there's another way of checking for cheaters. It's just I was so happy and I have no way to prove my innocence.

10 months ago, # |

So I ran moss on both of your codes and there's a whopping 70% match. It's as if only the variable names are changed and some typedef (pii for example) is added/removed. If you actually did not cheat, it's quite unfortunate that these type of similarities occurred. Pretend it's a bad contest and move on. I am sure there will be a lot of opportunities in the future.

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    I know that both our codes are almost identical and I'm not denying that fact. It's just I didn't cheat and I don't have any proper evidence to prove my innocence and I wanted to know what could be done.

10 months ago, # |

Record screencasts.

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    The main problem is that a screencast doesn't prove anything. If somebody really wants to cheat, then they can always record the screen of their desktop computer, but use a laptop or a tablet to search for cheater solutions on the Internet during a contest. And then it will be just a somewhat slower typing exercise instead of a direct copy/paste.

    In fact, I would raise an eyebrow if someone relatively low ranked presented a screencast record as a proof of their innocence. What are the odds of getting into an accidental code similarity incident AND at the same time having a habit of doing screen recordings during contests?

10 months ago, # |

Rev. 2  


Does your raiting realy matter? The only thimg you need to worry about is your knowledges. I think if you were able to reach specialist, than you can do it again on todays contest. Good luck

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    Yes, It's just I wanted to know what could be done. I don't want to go through something like that again. Good Luck to you too!

    • 10 months ago, # ^ |

      Nobody wants to go through something like this. Also nobody wants to get an unexpected blackout, unexpected Internet connection loss or some other force majeure situation during a contest, but shit happens sometimes.

      What could be done? Forget about it and do your best in the future contests. As the other commenter said, if you have the skills, then you will reach specialist and it's only a matter of time.

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    Does your raiting realy matter?

    I am sorry, but it does matter. You only work hard to see yourself to see rated x on one day.

10 months ago, # |

I have a strange idea, does codeforces check the comments in your code? If no, can we generate a large random hash value in the comment of your code to avoid this? (or declare a useless variable)

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    Then what? cheat without getting caught?

    • 10 months ago, # ^ |

      Then avoid similar code get rejected. If someone wanna cheat, he has thousands of way to do that without getting caught. It all depends on our self-discipline.

10 months ago, # |

I can confirm that I didn't cheat on this problem.

I did use ideone.com, but I checked and my code was on private mode.

My submission: https://codeforces.com/contest/1561/submission/126857273

In this case, the code is so short and the algorithm is so simple that the probability of having identical codes is pretty high — so high that in the 6000+ people who solved the problem, there could be one pair whose codes match.

In either case, I did not copy this from anywhere, and I submitted it first, so I could not have possible copied it from you.

  • 10 months ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 5  


    Yes, I never said you copied my code plus obviously you submitted your solution before mine so obviously you wouldn't time traveled just to copy my code ;).

    Anyways as you said your setting were on private so there was no way for me to reach your code and our code was pretty small so I think I just got unlucky. The only thing is that there's no way for us to prove that our codes were not related at all.

7 hours ago, # |

First time my code get coincident with other. I don't know how. I use my local system to code not any online ide. Any one know how this happens. @codeforces admin


Your solution 160095764 for the problem 1689A significantly coincides with solutions ATGP07/160094316, N_Assass1n/160095682, hydracody/160095764, Sattu_45/160095838, senju/160096436, Nonunou/160096758, madhurtoo/160099627, krishagarwal535/160100209, agamya.vrishabh/160104578, BrxDeputat/160105289, nestedwindow/160105290, b4t7r/160106016, Night_N0mad/160106327, tarun_1801/160106986, gabdyq/160107529, Harneet_9042/160108448, prachi_007/160109143, arjun_0207/160109508, tempMail1/160109881, ayush222sagar/160110162, drtank/160110887, codeblaster_20/160110959, Gurpreet_1/160111181, ArijitDalui/160111590, prachi15/160112081, nam_j/160112984, habib_toshev/160114126, Commander_coder/160114343, nj234/160114868, ramsampell_123/160114993, 2020uce0063/160115191, NoiceOp/160115224, BANDeputat/160115314, aditi.ojha.min20/160115506, aditi_ojha_21/160115648, rahgeer/160115718, kaushik_35/160119047, shreymishra2708/160119683, Avi_afrid/160119925, Chutkicoding/160120853, Shubhamshu/160123894, anipatil21/160124551, bapi123/160125895, seekingmygreat/160126053, Pranay_2020/160126387, sun_shine11/160126594, RandomNumber97/160126635, Shaun_2002/160126864, sahaj_279/160126885, roy0123/160127516, aks2001/160128701, 203ashish/160129355, Rxhul_12/160129697, ishitgarg1231/160130062, aman584/160130078, akashrs/160130220, Shake-Her/160130354, rohit_kumar/160131632, shubhanksagar3/160136047. Such a coincidence is a clear rules violation. Note that unintentional leakage is also a violation. For example, do not use ideone.com with the default settings (public access to your code). If you have conclusive evidence that a coincidence has occurred due to the use of a common source published before the competition, write a comment to post about the round with all the details. More information can be found at http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/8790. Such violation of the rules may be the reason for blocking your account or other penalties. In case of repeated violations, your account may be blocked. Attention!

Your solution 160107390 for the problem 1689B significantly coincides with solutions Sattu_45/160099066, N_Assass1n/160100029, Nonunou/160100053, senju/160102702, Zer0/160103728, shubh_k_04/160103825, hydracody/160107390, Gurpreet_1/160107617, 2020uce0063/160108774, agamya.vrishabh/160109739, codeblaster_20/160109812, habib_toshev/160110709, prachi_007/160111563, madhurtoo/160111641, shreymishra2708/160112448, aditi.ojha.min20/160113447, aditi_ojha_21/160113816, gabdyq/160114250, arjun_0207/160114516, krishagarwal535/160114531, BANDeputat/160115107, ArijitDalui/160115210, Night_N0mad/160116674, ramsampell_123/160117422, rahgeer/160118106, tarun_1801/160118246, Chutkicoding/160118336, nam_j/160118957, ayush222sagar/160118998, ATGP07/160119810, bapi123/160121793, NoiceOp/160123135, tempMail1/160123286, Avi_afrid/160123337, BrxDeputat/160123536, Shake-Her/160124454, sahaj_279/160125689, kaushik_35/160125738, ishitgarg1231/160126911, devanshkapri/160126964, drtank/160126980, RandomNumber97/160127515, prachi15/160127769, aman584/160127809, seekingmygreat/160127922, akashrs/160128302, shubhanksagar3/160128904, rohit_kumar_/160128905, roy0123/160129195, nj234/160129276, Harneet_9042/160129384, Commander_coder/160129457, sun_shine11/160129480, aks2001/160131274, 203ashish/160131675, anipatil21/160131980, Shubhamshu/160132285, Rxhul_12/160133135, Pranay_2020/160133221, Shaun_2002/160134063. Such a coincidence is a clear rules violation. Note that unintentional leakage is also a violation. For example, do not use ideone.com with the default settings (public access to your code). If you have conclusive evidence that a coincidence has occurred due to the use of a common source published before the competition, write a comment to post about the round with all the details. More information can be found at http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/8790. Such violation of the rules may be the reason for blocking your account or other penalties. In case of repeated violations, your account may be blocked.

3 hours ago, # |

Someone just commented on this post and made it pop up in recent actions. But viewing it makes me feel a bit sad that the poster lost rating, could never reach specialist again and left CP 4 months later. Kinda unfortunate if he didn't cheat.

  • 100 minutes ago, # ^ |

    Yeah, It's really sad. There are many "What-if"s but the author's CP career can't carry on anymore.

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