HTC is launching a Viverse smartphone on June 28

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/htc_is_launching_a_viverse_smartphone_on_june_28-news-54621.php
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HTC is launching a Viverse smartphone on June 28


It’s been a while since HTC released a phone and even longer since it had a flagship offering. That might just change as the company is now holding a launch event on June 28 where we’ll finally see a new HTC phone. Based on recent rumors, HTC’s upcoming smartphone will focus on VR and AR with deep integration to HTC’s own open-source metaverse platform dubbed Viveverse. The phone was supposed to launch back in April but it was hindered by supply chain issues.

HTC is launching a Viverse smartphone on June 28

Not much else is known about the upcoming HTC device except that it will feature integration with the Vive Flow VR headset and it could feature augmented reality app support. HTC has reportedly partnered with Taiwan Mobile, Chunghwa Telecom and FarEasTone to offer the new smartphone in their product portfolios.


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