The 4 Best Free Video Watermark Removal Services Online

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/best-video-watermark-removal-services/
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The 4 Best Free Video Watermark Removal Services Online

Published 5 hours ago

Watermarks on videos can be rather problematic, especially when they're put there by editing tools. So, here are the four best free removal tools.

Video Editing Onur Binay Unsplash

It can be pretty easy to unwittingly end up with a watermark on your video. If you use a free online video editing service, for example, you’re almost guaranteed to end up with one added to your creation.

Fortunately, it can be almost as easy to get them removed. All you need to do is use the right tools online, and you’ll have a great-looking video without any fuss. Here are four of the best free tools you can use.

1. Apowersoft Online Video Watermark Remover

A Screenshot of Apowersoft's Online Video Watermark Remover Landing Page

First up on this list comes Apowersoft’s watermark remover. Apowersoft produces numerous online solutions and tools that you can find, though sometimes with mixed results.

The video watermark remover, however, is a pretty solid little tool that will get you out of a pinch. If you’ve got a watermark that needs removing, then Apowersoft might just be able to help you out.

Using the tool is easy. All you have to do is upload your video to its service, and you’ll be taken to an editor. There’s quite a variety of different video formats supported here, with some of the more common ones, such as MP4, MKV, and WEBM, all being among them.

You can upload multiple files at once if you have a ton that you need to edit through, though the tool works just as well for a single video. The erasure process itself works from a box-based system, which is to say that you can create, move, and edit the shape of various boxes to cover up your watermark.

Apowersoft will handle the rest, filling in the space based on the surrounding data in the video to try and cover up the watermark. Sure, you could use one of many free apps to trim, cut, or split your video, but that loses out on precious data.

The end result is pretty solid, but as with any of the entries on this list, your results will vary. For more complicated backgrounds and moving parts, Apowersoft may give you strange results as it tries to guess what ought to be filling in the gaps that the watermark left. For short clips and small watermarks, however, Apowersoft does an admirable job.

2. 123apps Online Watermark Remover

A Screenshot of 123apps' Online Watermark Remover In Use

Next up on this list comes the online watermark remover from 123apps. If you’re looking for something a little more feature-rich that also supports watermark removal, then this is a great option to do just that.

123apps is an online service that supports a huge number of different tools, and it shows. If you’re looking for an online watermark removal service that will get the job done, then 123apps can certainly do that.

All you have to do is upload your video to its video editor, and you’ll be prompted to select the area you want to remove from the video. This will create a resizable box that you can place around the offending watermark.

Where 123apps shines, however, is if you want to do more than just remove a watermark. If you have a watermark but also want to speed up a clip, for example, then with some options on this list you would have to use multiple tools to do so. 123apps includes them all in one place.

123apps comes with tools to cut, trim, crop, rotate, flip, and many more. These tools all work with one another seamlessly, so if you have a watermark in one corner but want to cut out a black bar across the bottom of the screen, then you can easily manage both in the one tool.

The watermark removal itself does a reasonable job. It can struggle with more complicated backgrounds, but it gets the job done when it needs to.

3. PickFrom Blur Video Online

A Screenshot of PickFrom's Blur Video Online Tool In Use

If you’re getting weird or visually unpleasant results from some of the other options on this list, then PickFrom’s online video blur tool may be the way to go. As you might have picked up from the name, this free online tool serves to add blur to videos as opposed to attempting to remove watermarks.

The use case here is if you’ve got particularly large or complex watermarks that dedicated tools may struggle to remove. In its attempts to cleanly fill in the space created by the watermark, these tools may end up creating a more confusing visual effect.

Instead, you may want to simply blur the watermark. PickFrom allows you to do this quickly and easily, and in a way that is intuitive and simple to grasp.

All you have to do is upload your video, and you’ll be taken to PickFrom’s video editor. The editor itself is pretty straightforward. There are three options to the side of the video preview where you can choose how you want to blur, which for watermark removal the most useful is to blur part of the video.

From there, all you need to do is move the blurring box to where the watermark is to cover it up. You can adjust the blur strength here to whatever you prefer, though you’ll likely want it just strong enough to cover up the text without obfuscating too much else.

4. BeeCut Online Watermark Remover

A Screenshot of BeeCuts Online Watermark Remover In Use

Finally, we have the online watermark remover from BeeCut. This online tool functions not just for videos, but for pictures as well, though the focus here is predominantly on the former. There are plenty of great online tools to remove watermarks, after all.

As you might expect by now, the process to use this watermark removal tool is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is upload your file directly, and you’ll be ready to get started.

The editor is relatively bare-bones, but it gets the job done. To direct the watermark removal, you’ll need to add in resizable boxes to set the territory for the tool to edit, though you can add and remove them pretty freely.

The end result is pretty good for a free tool online, though as with many of the other entries on this list, you may find that it gives varying results based on the complexity of the background and watermark themselves.

Remove Watermarks With Ease

As you can see, you don’t need to download some sketchy tool onto your computer just to remove a watermark or two. There are plenty of alternatives available online and entirely for free.

Most of them work pretty quickly, so there’s little reason not to give them a try the next time you find yourself in need of a video watermark removal tool.

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