Watch BSV Global Blockchain Convention Day 1 Livestream: NFTs, iGaming, metavers...

 2 years ago
source link: https://coingeek.com/watch-bsv-global-blockchain-convention-day-1-livestream-nfts-igaming-metaverse-and-more-video/
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Watch BSV Global Blockchain Convention Day 1 Livestream: NFTs, iGaming, metaverse and more


3 hours ago

After months of anticipation, the BSV Global Blockchain Convention is finally here. The Bitcoin and blockchain world will congregate at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Dubai today to kick off the biggest Bitcoin event this year, where the focus will be on making blockchain useful. 

The first day will be action-packed, with elite speakers taking to the stage to discuss some of the hottest topics in the sector, from NFTs and the metaverse to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and iGaming.

BSV Blockchain Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen will reprise his role as host of the three-day convention, and will open the event with a presentation on how BSV blockchain is bringing a world of good. With the event being in Dubai for the first time ever, there will be a focus on blockchain adoption in the Middle East, with Ahmed Yousif and Muhammad Anjum taking the stage.

Gaming has become one of the biggest sectors in the blockchain ecosystem, with CryptoFights constantly topping the charts for the highest number of transactions on the BSV network. As such, several panels will focus on gaming, with some of the speakers including HandCash founder Alex Agut, Haste Arcade’s Ian Duckworth, NFTY Jigs CEO Jackson Laskey, and Adam Kling, the founder of FYX Gaming, the maker of CryptoFights.

NFTs have become a multi-billion dollar industry as well and have become a critical part of blockchain-based play-to-earn games. CoinGeek’s Becky Liggero will moderate a panel that will delve into this exciting frontier with a number of industry experts.

Like NFTs, the metaverse has shot to prominence, and Robert Rice, the leading mind on the virtual world in the Bitcoin ecosystem, will be on stage to talk about the latest from Omniscape, the BSV-powered XR metaverse.

There has always been a tug of war between founders and investors in the Bitcoin ecosystem, with the place of VCs in the space still in debate. Craig Massey, the chairman of BSV-focused incubator Satoshi Block Dojo, will kick off a series of afternoon sessions that will focus on this, with some of the panelists who will take to the stage being among the foremost investors in Bitcoin startups.

The Middle East has been a world leader in blockchain integration in the public sector, and some panels in the afternoon session will discuss this. High-ranking officials from the UAE and Nigeria will be at hand to share their insight, as will some of the leaders in the space who have pushed for this integration.

BSV Global Blockchain Convention is a must-attend for any Bitcoin enthusiast, blockchain fan, digital currency investor, and all-around curious mind. For those unable to make it to Dubai, you can watch all the day’s presentations on CoinGeek—and if you have yet to grab your ticket, book your spot here.

New to Bitcoin? Check out CoinGeek’s Bitcoin for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about Bitcoin—as originally envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto—and blockchain.

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